Homeopathic cures - little pellets/supplements?!

Question: I knew someone who had a big book that listed all symptoms and what deficiency (vitamin or mineral?) it meant you were low on. Then she had these corresponding little pellet-pill type things that she would put under her tongue. Anyone know what I'm talking about, what it's called, and where you can get them?


Answers: I knew someone who had a big book that listed all symptoms and what deficiency (vitamin or mineral?) it meant you were low on. Then she had these corresponding little pellet-pill type things that she would put under her tongue. Anyone know what I'm talking about, what it's called, and where you can get them?


Those pellets are milk of sugar pellets Homeopathic remedies are administered on those sugar pellets as well as in liquid form on their own those pellets have no therapeutic or curative powers. When doused with Homeopathic Medicine those pellets take on the form of the Homeopathic Remedy they are covered with.
For more comprehensive information and to learn more about Homeopathy please check the sites given below :-

Take Care and God Bless you.

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  • LaVonna G's Avatar by LaVonna G
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  • I think you are a little confused. The pellets are homeopathic and these are not vitamins nor minerals. Homeopathy works rather like vaccines. If you have poison ivy problems then you take a remedy with homeopathic version of poison ivy (rhus toxin). It makes your body immune to it. That is just an example.

    Materia Medica is the guide used by many homeopaths.

    But for the products, you can buy them at most health food stores. We sell them at our store and online but ours are sprays that you spray in the mouth. Which ever kind you use they work well.

    Controlled studies indicate that homeopathy has no better effect than placebos.

    I don't think this is the kind of thing you can do yourself. Go to a practioner if you want homeopathy. Judge for yourself if it works or not.

    If they are true homeopathic "cures" they are nothing but water (or sometimes alcohol) incorporated into inert pills.

    They don't contain anything. They do nothing. They don't work. This is the reason homeopathy is dying out in the USA as patients become more educated on the true nature of homeopathy. In 1997 3.4% of people sought homeopathic treatment. By 2002, this was down to 1.7%.

    Homeopathic "cures" are taken from any of several big books

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