Ear wax/water in ear?!

Question: Whats the best remedy to get rid of either water or wax from the ear?

Answers: Whats the best remedy to get rid of either water or wax from the ear?

You can either use sweet oil or isopropyl alcohol down your ear to evaporate the water out of your ear. There is a OTC product called Swimmers Ear that works really good. If its not water than you may want to try using an OTC product called Dobrenex it is good at getting wax build out. Good luck

On the outside of the eardrum--I would use a q-tip but most people probably would not?? Just me and my opinion. Have done it many times --for many years.

I've heard something about ear candles. Apparently they work pretty good.

Pick up some ear candles from your local natural health food store. You'll probably get lots of posts after this from skeptical people, but I can assure you they work and it feels great!!

Stick nose in ear, sniiiifffff!

Turn ur head side ways an blow the warm air from a blow dryer in ur ear... Makes the wax also kinda melt an drain.. Then to take a Q-tip to em

Two drops of Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear.

They have little ear wax removal systems at the drugstore. They work very well. Try the way they recommend, which is first the drops of hydrogen peroxide and sucking with the ball. If that doesn't work GENTLY blow some warm water with the ball into your ear a few times. With mine when it cleared it was amazing, and a ton of crap came out. I had stuck a piece of tissue paper in my ear at a concert and a small piece stayed in, making it get totally blocked. Good luck.

Several valid suggestions were made. Peroxide and other drops help loosen wax in the ear canal.

Hot air gently blown into the ear will help remove water, but be careful not to use too much air pressure and flow, or to burn yourself.

Don't laugh at the nose in the ear comment, my parents suggested the only thing you should put in the ear canal should be your elbow.

An old time physician taught me a simpler and safer approach to water in the ear. Use a lamp with a 100 watt bulb, the lamp shade removed. Sit with the bulb 12 inches away from your ear ( with the light on, of course) for 20-30 minutes.

It has worked for me and my patients

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