Do you know a home remedy to rid heartburn, I tried baking soda/ need something else?!

Question: Papaya, Aloe vera Juice(can get it at Wal-Mart cheap near the fiber supplements)chamomile tea,Calcium+magnesium+potassium=alkalizi... effect that binds up stomach acid.Raw potato juice(put in blender unpeeled)Mix it with equal amount of water-3 times daily,Pineapple, sip 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar , with meals. Catnip, fennel,ginger, and marshmallow root tea aids in proper digestion. Glass of fresh cabbage or celery juice everyday.Vitamin B complex-needed for proper digestion, Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Avoid citrus juice, caffeine, carbonated drinks, peppermint, fatty and spicy foods. Elevate your head when sleeping. I hope this helps.

Answers: Papaya, Aloe vera Juice(can get it at Wal-Mart cheap near the fiber supplements)chamomile tea,Calcium+magnesium+potassium=alkalizi... effect that binds up stomach acid.Raw potato juice(put in blender unpeeled)Mix it with equal amount of water-3 times daily,Pineapple, sip 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar , with meals. Catnip, fennel,ginger, and marshmallow root tea aids in proper digestion. Glass of fresh cabbage or celery juice everyday.Vitamin B complex-needed for proper digestion, Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Avoid citrus juice, caffeine, carbonated drinks, peppermint, fatty and spicy foods. Elevate your head when sleeping. I hope this helps.

you need a nexium or something..try drinking a glass of milk

i drink milk and it works, try that.

milk sometimes bread works too, all else fails get some gaviscon at the store that stuff works well for quick relief

I have heard that peppermint will help with heartburn.

The baking soda is good if you have an acid upset tummy as it will realkalise your digestive system ...... for heartburn try organic apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons into a glass of room temp water, mix and drink up. Ensure you use a straw to protect the enamel on your teeth and also ensure that you buy organic apple cider vinegar as the commercial brands are really only usefull for cleaning the floor !! Braggs does a really good one, try that.


Take care of you?

A simple little operation to fix your hiatus hernia if that is what's causing it (it usually is). I suffered for years, every single day and night,and since the op not one episode of heartburn. It's magic. If you continue to get a lot of heartburn, the burning will lead to a thickening of the tissues, which can be a precurser to oesophagial cancer.. not nice. Get it fixed.

THE best thing for a heartburn episode is George's Aloe vera.
It tastes like water. Swish it in your mouth for 30 seconds to activate it before swallowing.

To prevent most episodes, take digestive many as it takes to digest your food really well.

Avoid eating late at night (I'm talking to myself here. LOL!)

If you have a hiatal hernia, it can usually be fixed with your own hand! A hiatal hernia occurs when the top of the stomach has squirted through above the daiphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle

Here is how to get your diaphragm to relax and release the stomach:

Lie down.

Take the heel of your left hand and dig under your rib cage applying pressure slightly to the left of center. You'll probably need your other hand on top of your left hand to keep the pressure on.

Very gradually, you'll feel the muscle relax. It almost feels like your hand is being pulled. Keep applying pressure.

This process should take about two minutes, so don't rush it.

Do this for several days. Voila! You've just saved yourself from a surgery that usually does not work.

The best to you.


-a table spoon of olive oil
-baking soda works when taken with a bit of vinegar
and chew your food properly. that way it won`t take an eternity for your stomach to digest the food. that`s often why peoples get heartburn and or they eat fast, too fast.

You really should first try to find out the source of your heartburn.

Your body may be reacting to certain foods you should be avoiding, or it may be a result of poor digestion from inadequate bile flow.

Some people experience heartburn from not having enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is needed for the proper breakdown of food. The result is a different kind of acid that forms when food sits there, undigested for long periods of time. If this is the case, taking antacids will only worsen the situation.

I realize that finding the cause may take some time.

So, for the best 'quick' relief, nothing can even come close to powdered Slippery Elm bark. This is what I use myself, and what I suggest to all of my friends, family, and clients.

Just mix a tbsp, or more into a small cup of water, and within seconds of drinking this, the heartburn is gone. It is completely safe, even at high doses, and prolonged usage.

It is very soothing, and healing to the mucous lining of the entire intestinal tract, and is superb even in extreme cases of Hiatal hernia, gastritis, and ulcers as well.

I used to suffer from heart burn and then i increased my water intake that seemed to help me

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