What's a FAST home remedy for conjestion???!

Question: URGENT! I'm REALLY sick and conjested! I need a home remedy QUICK! My voice is even all nasal sounding! It sucks! And please don't say vinegar mixed with honey and water, I tried that last night...It was nasty and didn't work...

Answers: URGENT! I'm REALLY sick and conjested! I need a home remedy QUICK! My voice is even all nasal sounding! It sucks! And please don't say vinegar mixed with honey and water, I tried that last night...It was nasty and didn't work...

1. Put 1 Tbsp. each of rosemary and eucalyptus into 1 cup boiling water in a bowl.
2. Place a towel over your head to make a tent and breathe in the fumes for at least 5 minutes.
NOTE: You can also add mint if you wish.

Breathe in fumes nice and deep. You should be breathing clearly very shortly!

Other home remedies for nasal congestions involve the consumption of spicy or pungent foods. Chicken soup laced with heavy doses of black pepper may open up the sinus passages. Ethnic foods known for their spiciness are also popular home remedies for nasal congestions. Many people find relief after eating spicy Mexican, Chinese or Indian dishes containing hot peppers. A centuries-old recipe for basil tea is also said to clear the sinuses quickly, as does a spicy tomato tea similar to an alcohol-free version of a Bloody Mary cocktail.

One of the most popular remedies for nasal congestions is a saline spray. There are several different recipes for a homemade saline nasal spray, but essentially they require boiling table salt and baking soda in a pan of water and storing the cooled contents in a sanitized bottle. A rubber nasal syringe or dropper can be used to apply several drops of saline directly into the nasal passages. The saline is believed to shrink affected membranes and encourage natural drainage

The most easiest thing you can do is:

Boil a pot of water,
Put your head over the pot
Breath in the hot steam.

It works for me all the time.

Drinking plenty of fluids, more than usual, aids the body in expelling the irritant and clearing congestion. Water, fruit juice, and teas are recommended by medical experts to resolve congestion, and rest and sleep are also suggested remedies in a case of nasal congestion. Carbonated beverages also can help to alleviate nasal congestion. Increasing air moisture with a humidifier or a steamy bath or shower usually helps relieve the congestion and accompanying discomfort.

try sitting in your shower and breath in the moisture. It would be like a humidifier. That's what gets rid of congestion.

get enough water. no soda or tea.

What Ebony said.
eucalyptuses essential oil works wonders! I like it with peppermint in simmering water. It's a good facial as well... ;-)

Also, wasabi or horseradish are my favorite contiments for everything with I'm conjested! Anything spicy helps clear you up by getting everything running, then you get blow it out!

Feel better!

Breathe right tea you can find it at your local gnc or herb shop. Also vicks salve in a vaporizer works.

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