Any home remedies for a cough?!

Question: I,ve had enough cough mixture to last me a lifetime, but this dry cough is driving me mad. My whole body is aching from coughing ,help please

Answers: I,ve had enough cough mixture to last me a lifetime, but this dry cough is driving me mad. My whole body is aching from coughing ,help please

Try puting half an onion next to the bed at night, they say it helps

honey and lemon

hot water with honey and lemon.

Hyssop is good for throats and coughs.

Try manuka honey too just a tip on a spoon.

When I have this sort of persistent cough it is usually down to an allergy so check what oyu have been eating a lot of or are more exposed to pet hairs etc.

Licorice boiled up in a pan and strianed is helpful adn rendered down onions and garlic.

Also something eucalypusy on the throat liek olbas oil or vick so that you keep smelling it and getting the vapour.

whiskey and lemons and a hot bath is hte other home remedy.

Put Vicks on your feet with socks at night. Works almost instantly.

Mix some onion with vegetable oil. Lets say half of an onion and 3 spoons of vegetable oil. Add some sugar and leave it in a glass ( cover it) for a night .
In a morning - get rid of the onion and drink the sweet oil.
It will help you 100%, although I must admit its pretty disgusting.

You can do this if you don't have fever:
If you have any self-heating creams like the stuff people use for arthritis, put a thin layer on the upper part of your back, on the shouderblades before you go to bed. You want the burning sensation on your skin. Apparently, it stimulates the correct points in your body. My mom always did it for me when I was little, and now I'm very glad I remember it.

Also, there are 2 herbs that people use in Russia. I'll dig arond on the internet to see if I find the English name for them.
I found one: Coltsfoot.
See if you can buy it from healthfood store.

I advise against lemon + honey for severe cough. You can try, but if you see it's not making it better - don't drink more, cause you might be making it worse. Lemon is "cold" according to chinese medicine. Honey is "warm". The combination is "cold". You should only take "warm" at this point cause you already have too much "cold" in your body. (My chinese friend told me the last time I was very sick with cold. He told me to stop using it and it turnded out he was right)
However, this mixture always worked for me when I'm just starting to get sick when I feel my throat is a bit tingling.

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