What vitamin would perform as a muscle relaxer?!

Question: My hubby has been on muscle relaxers, and we would like to find a more natural way. Is there any vitamins or herbs-other than what some of you may be thinking-that would work?

Answers: My hubby has been on muscle relaxers, and we would like to find a more natural way. Is there any vitamins or herbs-other than what some of you may be thinking-that would work?

There is a product called "Natural Calm" that is an excellent source of magnesium. Not only does it help to relax muscles, it also helps with sleep.

Valerian, Passiflora, and Magnesium are supposed to help relax muscles - I can't guarentee you anything though because I have never tried them myself


eat a banana

Well it depends on what exactly is going on with his muscles....if he has inflammation there are a variety of natural anti-inflammatories that he could use. You need to determine why his muscles are tense in the first place before you treat him. If you are looking for something simple that would help, I would suggest magnesium. You can take this in a supplement form and he could also use epsom salts (they contain magnesium) in a bath which is very effective for muscle tension and soreness.

Kava Kava, you can get it in a pill, but it is much more better to make it into a drink.. I'm not sure i can put a web address in the know your source, but I get mine from a place in Hawaii. Most people will like the mix of kava kava and chocolate or kava kava and fruit.. They sell it as an Instant drink.
I do and teach hawaiian massage and your brain stays clear as your muscles relax..
But do not drink kava kava and drive because of your muscles being relaxed..
The drink is safe, unless you drank like 30 cups a day for months.. You will be drinking 2-3 at the most.. it will make your tongue, lips tingle abit..
Part of drinking Kava Kava is sitting around with friends, talking story, laughing having the aloha spirit with them

Coral Calcium, which is food structure not synthetic chalky calcium mined from the earth, that your cells cannot recongize or utilize.

Coral Calcium has the added magnesium naturally and other trace minerals for better absorption.

this is known to relieve cramping.

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