Neewborn with colics?!

Question: My newborn is suffering from colics what natural remedies can be used?

Answers: My newborn is suffering from colics what natural remedies can be used?

Chamomile tea is great for relaxing the digestive system, and just calming in general. Our doctor suggested to us that we could be over warming the milk also. Even though it's not too warm it may be for the baby specially if they have colic. Our doc suggested if the chamomile didn't work a little ginger or peppermint tea would be the next best thing. If you use formula add a little ginger, peppermint or chamomile to the water and make a mild tea - like a tsp to 16 ounce water. (that is very, very mild - can even go alittle stronger - up to a tbs) start out mild and work way up. You can also just make a little tea and give to them as you would water, can sweeten with a tad of sugar. But ours took it without the sugar. DO NOT use honey if they are an infant! Never give honey to babies! Hope this works for you! Have a super great day!

My son always calmed down when we played white noise - things like the vacuum cleaner running or the shower running. There are actually white noise generators you can get for your computer - they saved us many a times.

My daughter had colic pretty badly.

I used the following homeopathic remedy for her.

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