Old cold and sore throat remedies?!

Question: The guy who mentioned tea and honey is right. Additionally if you have a persistant cough putting Vicks or any Vapor rub on the bottoms of your feet (generously) and putting thick socks over that will help to stop your coughing and clear your head. If you are naseous try taking some ginger or sipping water with twist of lemon.

You want to REALLY go old school you can cook up some onions and mix it with yellowmustard to make a hot paste (hot as you can stand) and putting it on your chest. wrap some clean towels around you tightly to hold it on. Breaks up mucus and the mustard is an anti-inflammatory

Answers: The guy who mentioned tea and honey is right. Additionally if you have a persistant cough putting Vicks or any Vapor rub on the bottoms of your feet (generously) and putting thick socks over that will help to stop your coughing and clear your head. If you are naseous try taking some ginger or sipping water with twist of lemon.

You want to REALLY go old school you can cook up some onions and mix it with yellowmustard to make a hot paste (hot as you can stand) and putting it on your chest. wrap some clean towels around you tightly to hold it on. Breaks up mucus and the mustard is an anti-inflammatory

lemon tea by Bigelow with honey in it for sore throat

chicken soup
warm salt water gargle
plain aspirin

My grandma's treatment to it was to have a hot jacuzzi for some half hour and use only warm water for drinking until it feels good. Takes some two or three days depending on your exposure to clod wind and such, but works well for me. May be try tub instead of a jacuzzi if that is what you have.

And when going to bed, she advises to take a cpu of hot milk with a pinch of turmeric powder and pepper in it.

For Sore throat:
1) Hot Salt water gargling,
2) Hot Honey tea with lemon,
3) Warm Honey water with lemon.
Hot tea with ground pepper (i brew tea with water&milk)
Do the first 3 whenever you can.

For Cold: Rubbing some 'vicks vaporub' to your nose;
Inhaling Vicks in hot water;
I don't know whether you know "Turmeric Powder" or not.
You can find it in all Indian stores. Take some hot water in a dish/bowl, add 2 tablespoons of Turmeric powder. Inhale that covering yourself in a blanket. You will get relief within 10 minutes.

And including all of the above, HOT SOUP.

Once you've got the cold, goldenseal and garlic help a lot.

Also gargling with Alkalol (not alcohol) a natural mucus remover can provide relief for your sore throat in 5 minutes. You can get it from most pharmacies.

If you can catch a cold or flu in the first few minutes, elderberry can knock it out in 20 minutes!

The best to you.


chicken soup. Not the packaged version either. Get some raw chicken meat from the meat section(such as ears,lips, fingernails, innards and necks) and boil it up in slightly salted water and add bits of veges(like frozen carrots peas and corn for color, some parsley, some rice, some egg noodles(everything on a slow boil) with some parsley and other spices and whatever else you can think of (except the kitchen sink). It smells good in the kitchen and just the cooking smells makes you feel better.

Most all said here - just scanned to make sure the bases were covered. What I didn't see on scanning was:

Mullein tea - from dried leaves of mullein plant. Steep for 8-10 minutes. Add honey and drink hot. The kids love this and it helps immensely.

Eliminate SUGAR (refined, processed) Sugar is a natural immune suppresant. Avoid especially when sick as it will delay recovery.

Pineapple juice is very soothing to a sore throat, and can even help heal. Make sure 100% juice though, no added sugars.

Garlic - the super food. We make a garlic butter for bread and toast it on a griddle.

Mix a spoonful of yellow powder( a kind of spice) in a cup of hot milk and drink it. It cures old cold.

-Gargle with a salt solution. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, gargle for 20-30 seconds and spit it out.
-Drink 1 cup of hot milk boiled with 1/2 teaspoon turmeric.
-Rest your voice.
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