Autism Causes?!

Question: A freind sent me this to read, and I thought it was quite interesting. What are your opinions on it?

Answers: A freind sent me this to read, and I thought it was quite interesting. What are your opinions on it?

The article is real, the event is real, the cover-up is real. Trust your friend; you were sent good information. I've followed autism since a high school paper I wrote in the late 70s. It was an odd and rare disease back then. It has only even been acknowledged since the 1930s. One researcher believes the disease had a specific time period onset and epicenter of occurance. It is a relatively new, but quickly reaching epidemic ailment.

I've recognized it recently in one of my own children! You can't imagine the frustration of a child when they have thoughts in their head that can't make it to their mouth, or when they have uncontrollable fits of rage they don't understand, or when they just hurt so bad they can't even think. Autism is a terrible thing, yet many seem to think it so docile.

Definitely read more, avoid vaccinations and become educated on the dangers of mercury in not only vaccinations but also in dental work, coal fired electric generation and many other areas.

Some great reads:
Evidence of Harm by David Kirby
Amalgam Illness by Andrew Cutler
A Shot in the Dark by H. Coulter
What Your Doctor May Not Tell you About Children's Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave

There are many many others. Some good websites for more vaccination specific info, including right to exempt your children:

There are Yahoo Groups for Autism with great info about biomedical interventions, including the pinworm connection. Just search Groups for Autism Mercury Biomed and see what comes up.

Kudos to your friend for passing the article to you, keep passing it on!!! We need to educate people now, the children are our future. With 1 in 167 affected at some level with autism the future is looking mighty bleak.


Just go to google videos and type in autism and mercury or autism and vaccinations and watch away. Its beyond criminal.

It is very real, and very scary (my daughter was just diagnosed with heavy metal toxicity and we are doing all we can to remove the environmental issues and the therapies to remove it from her body and there is a marked difference in her!). Heavy metals are found in all Autistic children, and the connection has been proven many times over (just look through all the autism studies, easy on-line search will result in many hits), regardless of the source or your feelings on this specific article this is not some hoax or scare tactic. Those responsible for the addition of these toxins in our children don't want to admit culpability so many of the agencies responsible are covering themselves... I think the above comment "criminal" is very appropriate.

Hi Alex,

It just exemplifies my ongoing disgust with the medical profession in general. That is, most medical doctors (most, not all) seem to be wrapped up in diagnosis and treatment of symptoms and not getting to the root cause of the malady. Never knowing that the body, when given what it needs, can heal itself.

Just yesterday, I was frothing because I wanted to find some credible medical articles to support my position that lousy diet is the primary cause of type two diabetes in those who have a genetic predisposition. Well, after nearly an hour of exhaustive searching, I found a little blurb in a tiny paragraph alluding to it. Meanwhile, the ADA, NIH, CDC, sit on their collective butts, and let the populace go on in their ignorance. Doctors too. The information is out there... all one has to do is look at the facts. In civilizations that adhere to the old world way of life where they live off raw, natural foods, the incidence of type two diabetes is virtually non existent.

Meanwhile, in today's society, where obesity and diabetes kill more than 100 times as many people as HIV/AIDS, it gets swept under the table. Why? because doctors can treat it. Key word being "treat"... not cure. Doctors continue to throw drugs at people instead of seeking cures. I applaud you for trying to point that out to closed minded folks like KO, but alas, most people are so thoroughly brainwashed into believing that the mainstream medical community is out there to help. Sorry folks, they're out there to make a profit and that's it.

I enjoyed reading the article, but thought that just as soon as most major diseases are conquered or cured, doctors, pharmaceuticals, and hospitals will be bankrupt and we both know that will never happen.

I have a family member who has autism. The schools don't address his needs, and the medical community spends a lot of time looking for someone to blame, not them.
This child has improved some since we got him Horse Therapy. We also took him off milk and bread. We, the family, believe that these two things have set up an allergic reaction in him which just makes it worse. There is some evidence that "leaky gut syndrome" which seems to result from wheat allergy, is associated with autistic types of behavior, so we stopped giving wheat products to him. He is starting to attempt communication, and he is less disruptive in school and at home.
When his parents discussed the possibility of mercury poisoning with his doctor, they were told that it couldn't be the case, and the idea that it was, was propaganda. They were made to feel stupid, and told to trust the doctors.
So far, the doctors and the teachers have been less than helpful, so we are attempting things ourselves, and we are having a little success. I have passed along the article you referenced to his parents, perhaps they will be able to find out if this pin worm cure might be helpful.
I am grateful for any and all info that can be had on the web.
Thank you.


Okay, well since I am a student going into my senior year at the Sschool of Business (UofR) I can't really judge this piece. I have to do more research on autism. I have done research on autism for about a year now, but I haven't done much on how it relates to mercury.

I believe that there are adults with full-blown autism. I just don't SEE them. I do see adults with AS though, and I believe I'm one of them.

Much of this article was ambiguous. It didn't give real meanings of some an example..."men regularly eat meat..." Okay! What does regularly mean? That is subjective. "Regularly" could mean once a week to one person and once a day according to the next. The word "meat" could be only "red" meat to one and "all" meat to another.

I will have to look up articles in peer- reviewed scholarly journals through UofR's library (I use ProQuest most of the time) to make an informed decision on this.

Hope I didn't offened anyone. I am learing how to think analytically and look at all reports-even those that I don't agree with. Best way to make a thesis! But I did save this as a favorite so I can use it later along with my other countless articles on Autism.

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