Is there anything on the market that helps to build a persons immune system?!

Question: I know it is mostly all the stress that I have but I am hoping for a healthy product. Thank you!

Answers: I know it is mostly all the stress that I have but I am hoping for a healthy product. Thank you!

Ahhh the immune system, so many things that effect it. You are right, stress will effect your immune system, I do deep breathing to help with stress, and a supplement. It will actually take more than one healthy product to improve your immune system. I have fibromyalgia, and last year I did a lot of research, to find out what makes it better and what makes it worse. The biggie that I found was immune system, I found that good multi-vitamins, supplements (NOT over the counter synthetic), and good whole foods help to build it. I also found that many things drag the immune system down, pop, fried foods, not getting enough veggies and fruits. Chemicals in personal care products like body soaps, shampoo, hair conditioner, tooth paste, lotion, mouth rinse, and beauty products. There is a load of harmful chemicals in house hold cleaners, and laundry products, and all these chemicals are very harmful to our health, and break the immune system down. Low immune systems can cause all kinds of health problems, and make other health problems even worse. I started buying better foods, and shopping for vitamins, personal care items, household cleaners etc. from a wellness co. that makes safer products, and my health is soooo much better. I am off all the fibromyalgia meds, and have not had a cold or the flu since starting on this healthier lifestyle. I will give you some of the info that I found so helpful, maybe it will help you too.

echinacea and golden seal are two good natural products, "herbs" that are said to boost immune health.

blueberries. very high in antioxidants.... eat them fresh or frozen everyday.
What will reduce your immunity is caffeine in all its forms... coffee, pain meds, sodas, energy drinks. it is a huge stress on the body therefore preventing the body from healing itself from the environmental attacks.

look for foods rich in antioxidents... fruits, vegetables etc.

Good old vitamin C - Really, the benefits are countless
Take as much as your body can stand 1500 ml a day to start!

If you are looking for a product - check out "Moducare" on the net.

There are quite a few natural products that help to support the immune system. There's Colostrum, mushrooms (Reishi, Maitake, and Shiitake), Elderberry, Echinacea (which should not be taken long-term), Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP-6), CoQ10, any basic antioxidants, and many other things that are less powerful, but still give some impact.

Actually, a diet full of fruits, veggies, and whole grains is the best thing you can ingest for your immune system. if you're not into eating really healthy and want a quick fix, try things like multivitamins, spirulina, and probiotics.

Increase your intake of Vit C and B vitamins for stress. The antioxidants are good, and usually depleted faster when under stress. Also, you should consider adding enzymes and probiotics to your routine. This will help you process more of the helpful stuff that increases your immune function and keep your healthy bacterias balanced.

The best way to boost your immune system is to cut out all refined sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup, refined white sugar and the sugars you find in snack foods. Sugar is an immune suppressant, so adding immune boosters without cutting out sugar is counter productive. For sugar replacement try turbinado, honey, stevia or molasses. All are more natural and contain other nutrients which will aid in wellness. But, remember, moderation is still key with even natural sugars. (Stevia is a natural sweetener sugar substitute made from a plant, you can use that more liberally since it doesn't metabolize like sugar. We like the drops best. 1 drop sweetens a whole cup of tea.)

Try Beta Glucans. You can get a wealth of information about them at I have no affiliation with the site. I use them to boost my immune system. You can request a free sample, no shipping, no strings attached and you get 10 free capsules.

A stress formula, New Chapter organics makes a great one that has probiotics in it, works great for the stress and the immune system, 2 birds with one stone.

Besides a healthy diet including plenty of fruit and vegetables you could take a multivitamin every day and also some extra vitamin C every day. A suitable amount would be 500 mg a day. Even as much as 1 or 2 gm a day is OK.

Taking 3 to 6 odourless high strength 3,000 mg garlic oil capsules every day also helps.

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