I'm not sleepy yet..?!

Question: Can anyone suggest any ideas to get to sleep? (No warm milk or tea ideas please.. I can't stand the taste of tea, much as I've tried, and I'm kind of lactose intolerant..)

Answers: Can anyone suggest any ideas to get to sleep? (No warm milk or tea ideas please.. I can't stand the taste of tea, much as I've tried, and I'm kind of lactose intolerant..)

try doing this, it doesnt work all the time but sometimes it does..

1. lay down like you normally do to go to sleep
2. be as relaxed and comfortable as you can
3. then try to feel your eye lids getting heavier as you slowly close them
4. just about when their fully shut, open them up half-way and slowly close them, and try to keep the mindset that your extremely tired and trying to stay awake (keep repeating)
5. if you start feeling drowsy or more relaxed then its working

p.s. it works better for me with the light on for some reason

sleeping pill or listen to music or put C-span on

tea has caffeine which would make it harder to sleep... Donno why anyone would ever recommend that.
If you can't get to sleep, I'd get out of your bed, and go read something or watch TV.. Staying in bed is physiologically the worst thing you can do, because you begin to associate the bed with not sleeping.

sleeping pills count sheeps

darling, read a very boring books and u never notice ur sleeping already.

some good ol' mary jane

I've had sleeping trouble off and on for the last eight years or so. Melatonin capsules worked the best for me. It's found naturally in certain foods like oats (oatmeal), white rice flour and, unfortunately, milk. The capsules I take contain pure white rice flour and work great. I just pop one before I hop into bed and about 15 minutes later, I'm fast asleep.

A few other great remedies for sleeplessness are valerian root/chamomile tea. Neither taste like the tea you usually find in the supermarket. I don't actually like the taste of most teas either. Chamomile, however, has a much softer and lighter taste and it's naturally caffeine free! You can also put a couple of drops of lavendar essential oil on your pillow before bed to put you in a more relaxed state while you try to sleep.

Another thing I find myself doing often when I can't sleep is a sort of breathing meditation. I lie down on my back, place my hands on my upper stomach --just above the diaphragm-- and take in deep, slow breaths. I inhale for four slow counts and then exhale for four slow counts, 'feeling' the breath moving with my hands and focusing completely on my breathing.

There's also some research that suggests the electrical waves computers, televisions, and even mobile phones emit can keep you awake. If you have these right next to your bed, moving them on the other side of the room (or even out of it completely) might make the nights go by more quickly.

Ooh, one more thing. The temperature of your room could also have an effect. Some say that a colder room is easier to fall asleep in because it 'cools down', preparing it for the hibernative state of sleep, more quickly. Haven't tested that one. If you do try a cold room, try not to let it get below around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. A room that cold could just end up keeping you awake.

Best of luck!

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