Are colonics good?!

Question: I was reading how they were a benifit for you and made u feel better, is this true? I also read how people were doing coffee enimas? How can that help? and how much of the intestine gets the enima? I am very interested please inform me.

Answers: I was reading how they were a benifit for you and made u feel better, is this true? I also read how people were doing coffee enimas? How can that help? and how much of the intestine gets the enima? I am very interested please inform me.

Looks like there is a pretty mixed opinion here...looking at the thumbs up and down :)

There certainly may be some benefit from having one once in a while: perhaps once a year. It can actually remove compacted faecal material that has been in there for months or perhaps as long as a year. To thing that faecal material can stay in the system for so long doesn't bare thinking about but yet it can do so potentially. Also: it can remove intestinal parasites and fungal matter if there was a problem with either. A yeast overgrowth is quite commonplace with the so-called modern diet.

This page explains colonic hydrotherapy in detail:

If you are going to have one then find a reputable one with the right formal qualifications, experience and testimonials.
In the UK there is the Association and Register of Colonic Hydrotherapists. Where ever you live you need to be sure you find one from such an association.

Hope this is of some help.
Best wishes.

its not true. they can actually be dangerous. they can severely take water from your body, and your intestines/bowels. plus there is bacteria in there, that needs to be in there to help with the digestion process. it may sound good to be cleaned out of all that stuff..but your body naturally gets rid of it through your BM's.

These are bad for your body. If you eat a proper diet which is not high in fatty foods, you will have normal bowel movements. There is no advantage to having your bowel emptied artificially when it will do it all by itself with proper diet.

No. They are NOT good for you.
There are many crackpot and quack sites out there that lie about this stuff. You are smart to question it.

You do NOT "build up" gunk in your colon over months or years. That is a lie the sites tell you to scare you into buying their crap. Avoid this nonsense.

I've always felt that eating right is far better. Eat legumes, chili, split pea soup (very easy to make yourself) and lentil soups every day. Plus eat an apple a day. Those are all true "detoxifying" agents, unlike colonics. You won't need any colonics.

Enemas are unnecessary.

All you need is plenty of fiber and roughage that you can get from fruit and vegetables.

Liquid chlorophyll and apple cider vinegar are supposed to help as well.

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