Do you think buying organic cotton clothing is a joke, or worth the money?!

Question: Just wondering ... is it possible the clothing people wear could be unhealthy?

Answers: Just wondering ... is it possible the clothing people wear could be unhealthy?

Organically grown cotton is better for the environment, and some people may be sensitive to the toxic chemicals used to produce regular cotton. It would be worth the money if you were concerned about these things.

I think it would be, but please make sure. It might be a waste.

As a women, I would be more concerned about what my clothes are made of, because of the presence of xenoestrogens. These are chemicals that look like estrogen to the body and create an estrogen imbalance in the body overtime. Included in many soaps, shampoos, laundry detergent, dish detergent, cosmetics, clothing, pesticides and herbicides (even the ones sprayed on food) and many petroleum products. There are more, but you can look them up. I would stay as natural as possible in all regards, food, clothes, personal hygene, ect. The amount of chemicals in the American regular life is amazing, your body isn't meant to deal with that. It will create consequences down the road.

Many health problems are caused by this elevated estrogen, many that mainstream doctors attribute to other things, but it's because of estrogen dominace. Many Americans have it, have some health problem because of it now or later, tell doctor about it, doctor doesn't bother with hormone test and prescribes some drug for something else and problem doesn't get ressolved and new drug only causes new problem. Oh, and hot flashes and the pain of menopause caused by estrogen dominance.

For more information, do a google search for xenoestrogens, estrogen imbalance, estrogen dominance for more detail if you really want to know about it.

Organic cotton clothing is wonderful, if you can afford the effort to iron it. There are several things to look at.

One, we know that things are absorbed through our skin. That's why aromatherapy works and why doctors are starting to use patches to give medicine not well-tolerated by the digestive system.

Two, bug sprays have caused everything from mild allergy to cancer, in susceptible persons, especially those with a compromised immune system.

Three, clothing manufacturers are not going to go to all the trouble and expense of using organic cotton and then do some of the other terrible things to it that most do, such as treating it with formaldehyde to make it wrinkle resistant or using really toxic dyes to make it pretty.

Four, scripture (Judeo-Christian) says we aren't to mix wool and linen in our clothing. Doesn't say why, but the consensus is that it is unhealthy to mix things into an unnatural product.

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