Green tea increases serotonin and dopamine or decreases them?!

Question: 2 websites said completely opposite things. Which one is correct?

One said it increases the activation of GABA which them lowers serotonin and dopamine and contributes to their breakdown, and then another website says green tea increases overall serotonin and dopamine levels (with no real mentions of GABA).

Answers: 2 websites said completely opposite things. Which one is correct?

One said it increases the activation of GABA which them lowers serotonin and dopamine and contributes to their breakdown, and then another website says green tea increases overall serotonin and dopamine levels (with no real mentions of GABA).

Green tea contains catechins (ECGC) which help to improve methylation in the body. Methylation is one of the processes by which DNA is transcribed and translated. When methylation is hypo or hyperactive it can result in an imbalance of neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and seratonin). Therefore what green tea catechins help to do is MODULATE methylation so that the proper amounts and structures of neurotransmitters are produced. So I would think that whether you have too much dopamine or too little dopamine, catechins would simply help to bring this neurotransmitter to a normal range. Look for some research being done on catechins (ECGC) and neurotransmitters on

Green tea has little effect on neurochemical balance, what green tea is known for is it's antioxidant value.

its could be both. Like a feedback loop. If a level of a substance is naturally high, by adding more the body responds by naturally lowering production of that substance. and vice versa.

A perfect example is diabetes. Too much sugar causes an increase in insulin to get rid of the excess, over time too much sugar is removed and the person crashes. After more time insulin production become naturally high even without too much sugar.

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