Are there any homeopathic remedies that would send you straight to sleep?!

Question: I don't know actually, as I;m not not a homeopath, I must find out though.
I know of a very good cure for insomnia, run as much as you can or any activity that will make you spend alot of energy, you'll be so tired you'll drop off. Fresh air is also good.

Answers: I don't know actually, as I;m not not a homeopath, I must find out though.
I know of a very good cure for insomnia, run as much as you can or any activity that will make you spend alot of energy, you'll be so tired you'll drop off. Fresh air is also good.

Homeopathy doesn't work. There are no homeopathic remedies that do anything.

i do homeopathy but not for that.

I was a cynic re- this , but oil of lavender on the pillow ACTUALLY appeared to work

Homeopathic remedies work by reinforcing the body's immune system. They make you a healthier person rather than dealing with specific symptoms. If you have difficulty sleeping there are treatments that will improve your ability to sleep. However, there's no homeopathic knock-out drug because that's not in the nature of homeopathy.

If you want to produce an unnatural reaction, you need an allopathic drug like barbiturates or alcohol. Don't expect either to leave you healthy.

Anything containing lavender,try a hot bath with lavender foam bath then a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow,will de stress you too,although you may smell a bit odd!.x

That's wishful thinking because homeopathic remedies don't work like that as i found out after wasting tons of money looking for a solution to my long term insomnia.I ended up purchasing melatonin from the net.It works but homeopathic it isn't.

Start reading the list of untrue claims for homeopathy.zzzzzzzz

There are no homeopathic remedies that send you anywhere as they have no effect beyond placebo! It's just like throwing a pint of beer into a reservoir and then expecting to get drunk on the water.

I smoke something called dream blend before i go to bed - it puts me to sleep and gives me incredible dreams too!

Some time ago, a group of skeptics decided to stage a mass public suicide by taking large amounts of homeopathic sleeping remedies. Ambulances stood by with emergency resuscitation equipment. Cameras rolled, and horrified onlookers expected the worst.

The result? Nothing happened. Not even a yawn.

Homeopathic remedies are 100% plain water... It's all worthless quackery.

i personally add a few drops of essential lavender oil onto my pillow at night. This is very calming and relaxing. x

Have you tried meditating? just get into bed, get comfortable and start breathing. The key is to concerntrate on your breathing. Listen to it.
you dont have to be off in the countryside somewhere skipping around flowers and bunny rabbits, but just simply concerntrating on your breathing will do the trick. x

Pushups, situps and a glass of red wine. Works every time.

according to Edgar Cayce the best natural sleep medicine is boiled lettuce. It works with me and it is tasy as well

Find a local homeopath.
or check out a materia metica online
there are some preblended products at health food stores, apparently the coffee homeopathic and passiflora are supposed to help.
best solution talk to a professional homeopath

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