Does anybody know of a good way to "cure " cancer through alternative medicines?!

Question: My mom is on Chemo and we are trying to find alternative ways to cure her.. Any suggestions ( real ones ) are welcome.. Thank you

Answers: My mom is on Chemo and we are trying to find alternative ways to cure her.. Any suggestions ( real ones ) are welcome.. Thank you

Here are a few ideas for you to research and some good articles for consideration.
There was a study done in Canada on an old native American tea. It worked wonders, doctors would send their patients there when they could do no more for them and they usually end up cured and then the doctors that had cancer would come in the back door of the clinic at night for their own treatment. It's called Essiac Tea and I personally have seen many people conquer cancer with it and before I ever let a doctor "practice" on me I'd trust God and use the natural things He gave us. I've seen too many doctors kill their patients by over "practicing" on them.
Also there has been alot of success with Tumeric.
Hope this helps. Sorry for your situation but there are alternatives!

Hey there, Um the best thing to do is see a doctor... Don't do it any other way.. KEL BEL

Short of divine intervention, NO.

I have no idea. I have a friend who is in chemo right now. Try searching on google or yahoo! for homeopathic cancer treatments. Some really great things should come up. If not, look for a local master herbalist. They would know probably!

Sorry to hear your bad news. When you get such bad news you will try and do anything to put things right, sadly there is no miracle cure and the treatment she is getting now will no doubt be the best available. The best medicine - is to make your mum laugh and make her happy when she is down.

She will become the warrior. Chemo is good most of the time and you can beat the odds. I had chemo 12 years ago and today I have no reoccurence. I was so sick to my stomach I couldn't eat....ect
I know what she is going through, God bless her and hang in there. She's a winner

Don'i you think that if such a thing was availabe that cancer would be a thing of the past?

What sort of cancer does she have? That can determine a lot of things.

There are all kinds of alternatives, such as cyberknife radiation therapy, and a newly researched method involving sound waves. chemo is nasty, and is often times worse than the cancer itself, so I would only use it as a last resort (right in front of surgery, that is.)

Take care.

There is no cure, you can only go through treatment, it has a chance of coming back, even though its not in the system.

Unfortunately, chemo does not work for everyone.

Red Clover is world -renouned for its ability to bring recovery from terminal cancer. Also bloodroot and yellowdock are emplloyed in the Hoxsey cure. Research the Hoxsey cure, which is mostly herbal, the history is interesting. Also, research the Mathias Rath formula for cellular therapy. Mathias worked with Linus Pauling and has come up with a system that increases the collagen in a cell which effectively deflects the cancer enzymes that infect cells.
When you look at the results, you get the impression that cancer is like curing a cold-it will run its course and eventually the body will fight it off, with proper nutrition and treatment.
Clearly, you are on a path of discovery, not just "doing what the doc says." Most people are afraid to treat themselves because their fear of death outweighs their belief in self empowerment........ kudos!

Unfortunately there is no cure for cancer yet...only treatment to put a person into remission. I am so sorry she is suffering so. Chemo can be very hard.

good luck to your mom.. this might not "Cure" her but will help and is good prevention for people like yourself

cancer prefers an acidic body.. it cannot live in an alkhid body.. many foods we eat are acidic and should therefore be avoided - such foods include SODA POP and many others (dont have a list handy but you can look it up...)

eggs- > BATTERY HEN eggs which are the ones usually sold in stores are ACIDIC plus loaded with negative energy because of the way the hens are treated and what you need to do is get FRESH FREE RANGE EGGS - these eggs are alhkid and have healthier amino acids... the fresher the better .. and note that "FREE RANGE" doesnt always mean the same thing.. its best if you can get them from farmer or farmers market because free range ones sold in stores are not as fresh - heck if you can you can get your own laying hens (3-4 is good number, although they will lay less in winter) I had hens over the summer - wonderful animals and excellent eggs.

good luck - do some research on different foods..

also CUT BACK ON MEAT PORTION SIZES.. the chemicals and hormones fed and injected into animals is probably part of the problem.

Please try Wheat Grass therapy along with your conventional medication prescribed by your doctor. Wheat grass juice is available fresh in most major metro cities, or you can get tablets nowadays but fresh is best. You can enquiry at chemists. Often you will find juice vendors who sell fresh wheat grass and other juices near popular jogging parks early in the morning.
Patients who are on chemo become extremely debilitated and you must first build up their strength with tonics - multivitamin tonics, iron tonics, also try chyawanprash @ 1tsp 3 times daily for at least a year, then taper down to 1 tsp a day as the strength builds up. Dabur is a good brand.
Also start doing yoga pranayama exercises for atleast 10 min a day if not longer. You can do simple exercises like alternate breathing, or simply inhale, hold, exhale, hold - which any yoga teacher can show you. Pranayama will help you in more ways than one, which the practitioner will herself discern after just one week.
Self hypnosis or auto suggestion is also helpful to seriously ill patients as it builds self confidence and positive attitude. Creative Visualisation by Shakti Gawain is available in all major book stores, it is well written in simple language which anyone can follow in their own way.
God bless you and all the very best.


Get with a good oncologist and do what the oncologist says to do.

Many cancers are curable, but you in your wisdom (I assume you have not been to medical school, maybe not even college) are assuming somehow that you can make better decisions than people who have dedicated themselves for many years of education and experience, learning to be experts.

If you want to help your Mom, be there for her, love her, support her. Free her up so that she can fight her disease, don't bog her down with stuff you can take care of.

there is a way. many people dont believe it works but there have many cases where people have been healed from cancer and many other diseases. your mother has to on a strict water fast. this is a way for the body to heal naturally on its own. its guaranteed to work. if you want to know more you can email me at

I have heard of several cures for cancer. The one I know of specifically is using black salve. Vickie Sorensen ( makes one and works with cancer patients. You can contact her through her website. I have also heard of several treatments that you can get but only in Mexico because our FDA won't allow them. I know a couple of individuals that have had success with treatments in Mexico.

Good Luck!

Just as a reference for Natalia: "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj is an excellent book that discusses dehydration as one of the causes of cancer.

have read this forum for years for a lot of answers, this is the 1st time I have registered to write an answer. My friend was diagnosed with phase IV cancer about 6 months ago. she had 6 ms. to live. she goes to University of Washington, Cancer care Alliance. She takes an experimental pill, costs $100 a day that would stop the growth to let her live 1 yr. not shrink the growth. They were going to start the pill for a while then begin radiation on her brain tumors and chemo for all. she has not had to undergo any of that treatment.
She followed the CCA nutrionist program on 70% veg 30% fruit and cut down on meat bread etc. took stuff for candida, and acidophilus for fungus., the main treatment she uses is black bloodroot salve treatment internally, along with a 1/3 of a bottle of Goji juice a day,(make sure it is pure no grape juice or other juices added) . week after beginning she had a staff out break in her feet hospitalized and antibiotics cleared it up. (was it cancer coming out?) she puts a little salve in a capsule each day. swallows.
She lives in Montana has travelled to UW 3 times, each visit the cancer is shrinking, in the lungs and liver, the brain tumors are also and becoming lighter. Remember she was supposed to be dead by now.
She was on oxygen all the time, has stopped coughing, and uses the oxygen at night only, feels so much better, does not have to return to hosp for 4 mths now. the hosp doesn't know about her alternatives, yet. By the way she is in her late 60's.
she recently told me about another product that sounds pretty amazing but has not tried yet. I will give you links to all. that chemo stuff is bad, and so hard on the body. Good luck, positive thinking is a .must

that's a difficult question.two important factor are the type and stage of cancer, as well as whether you want evidence-based treatments or not.
the survival and quality of life of patients with certain cancer can be improved by health, diet and exercise. a number, but not all of studies show that group therapy can prolong survival-- once again, in certain cancers. there are a lot of alternative treatments and therapists out there- but thetruth is none have been proven to increase survival. HOWEVER, many treatments improve quality of life and reduce symptoms of the disease and of its treatment (see link below). also, having a fighting spirit is probably good for the patient's mood. unless a patient is in denial, he/she should read up about medical and alternative options, so as to be involved in decision making, rather than passing on all responsibility (and trust) to the MDs. one may ask if believing in a "wonder cure" may not be such a bad idea, even if it is false.... = philosophy and ethics. finally, being a care-giver is stessfull- look after yourself as well!

Look up ganotherapy, lingzhitherapy, an age-old cure using ganoderma lucidum. We know many who have lived the full life despite the medically projected time-period. We are currently working on a few cases although most are in very advanced stages.

I would highly recommend you read the books, Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know about and More Natural Cures They Don't Want you To Know About both by Kevin Trudeau. They are great books with a lot of information in them and he has resoureces that you can refer too. I have a blog and I have links about healing yourself naturally. If you would like to check it out read below.

You have to do your own research. There are many alternatives. I wish your mom the best.

You already know there is no alternative medical cure for cancer.Desperate people do desperate things...don't burden your mom with false hopes of miracle cures offered by so many quacks and charlatans. As a Respiratory Therapist ( I was a Respiratory Therapist also before I went to medical school) you surely know the truth.But,I do understand your motives and your grief. Remember- their is only 1 Miracle Healer.

I am sorry to hear that your mom has cancer. I didn't know that anyone could get cured of cancer until recently. There is this lady who had cancer and she was told by her doc that she would die in 7 months. Read about how she got cured and the course she took. Now she has been alive from that moment of the devasting news for 7 good solid years. Go to www.700club and request her testimony. I want to believe that you are in the US and it is going to be easier for you since the 700club is in the US also. All of Gods best.

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