What's good pain relief for a headache?!

Question: I can't take anything stronger than paracetamol because I'm allergic to codeine, so I'm looking for alternatives.

Answers: I can't take anything stronger than paracetamol because I'm allergic to codeine, so I'm looking for alternatives.

the herb feverfew works wonders - I use it - you can get it at your local vitamin store - get ONLY the DRIED form of it - this is the easiest and most natural way to go, and ask the clerks how to take the capsules, take them with Tylenol (acetaminophen) as directed... and they work wonders....

Excedrin works for me.

Ibuprofin 800mg works for me.
Motrin is also great.

have at least 5 glasses of water, we get headaches because we are dehydrated. your paracetamol and water should be good for you.

Actually there has been a lot of research showing that over the counter medicine...really doesnt do much...not enough dosage too help u...plain old rest and drinking water should do....resting meaning sleeping...naps...really helps.

My solution is most simple...
Go to sleep...
When u wake up,ur headache will be gone...
Belief me...
If u cant sleep cause of the headache,try to force urself...

Take a panadol. Drink heaps of water. Sleep.

Um...my magical cure 2 Advil every 6 hours but that must be too hard for you. Try drinking a warm beverage with Camille, orange or lavender. Take a warm bath and sleep for a while.

Rub your temples with tiger balm or lavender oil and take nurofen tablets - check packet. I'm sure there is no codeine.

i ussually lie down with a cold water soak towel put around my head,,after 10-15 mins the extreme pounding minimisies and slowly goes away,,

Aspirin is surprisingly good, if you don't have asthma or stomach problems. If you want to go the herbal route, you can have willow bark instead, but it's the same active ingredient.

Acupuncture, I've heard good things about but haven't tried.

Soothing massage can help tremendously, as can taking time to consciously relax, especially your neck.

If you're female (I'd have to go back and check, but if you're not, then it might still even help) then caffeine can help another painkiller to be more effective.

Dehydration can cause headaches, so a glass of water taken with your headache pills can help.

Another thing to look out for is rebound headaches. If you get frequent headaches and take paracetemol for them, the paracetemol can end up causing new headaches, locking you into a vicious circle of headache, paracetemol, headache.

And finally, a hug. Just a hug. It releases all sorts of brain chemicals that relax you and make you not mind the headache so much. Not a cure, but definitely an aid.

eat fish

Drinking too much water can lower your electrolytes. Try some Gatorade. I try to avoid pills. I try ice packs a lot, but most people like hot rags. I have to be in tears or lacking sleep to take a pill.

I do practise Reiki and acupuncture. Many have cured permenantly. So you can contact some body who is practising nearby in your local.

A hot shower and a lie down in a dark room for a while. or use a hot flannel I found that works

2 options... drink coffee .. yes caffeine will help you with it

The other one is... put your elbows in cold water for a while

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