Can nurses perform acupressure?!

Question: Can a nurse working in a hospital or practice do acupressure on a person or do they need special training? I know that acuPUNCTURE you need special training but what about acupressure?

Answers: Can a nurse working in a hospital or practice do acupressure on a person or do they need special training? I know that acuPUNCTURE you need special training but what about acupressure?

As a nurse trained in acupressure (and other forms of massage), I can tell you "yes" they can do it in a hospital setting, but it requires specialized massage training. I'm sure you have heard of nurses giving back rubs to their patients, so being able to give other therapeutic forms of touch therapy is certainly reasonable. However, very few hospitals would hire a nurse JUST to do that, so finding a nurse that can do it, then finding one that has the time to do it, would not be easy.

I'm no physician. But I would imagine you would need some sort of 'instructional training' on how to do accupressure massage.

Otherwise how could you benefit someone for a specific ailment, if you don't understand the 'specific' pressure points of the body and their functions? And what to do?

It depends on state law. Acupressure can be labeled under massage and therefore require a massage license or only those licensed health professionals where it falls under their scope of practice.

In my professional opinion, acupressure and acupuncture are one and the same, only difference is without the needle. It would be ill advisable to work on something without proper training. It's akin to the public self-medicating themselves without proper training.

It's been shown acupuncture

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