How do i heal my sore throat???!

Question: i need to get rid of my sore throat because it hurts really bad and i dont want to go to the docter...please help!!!

Answers: i need to get rid of my sore throat because it hurts really bad and i dont want to go to the docter...please help!!!

Squirt straight lemon juice down your throat. It burns at first (because it kills strep and other bacteria on contact) but then it feels really good. Also the Vitamin C is really good for you.

If your mucous is thick and irritating your throat then get a large glass 12-20 oz and fill it full of cold tap water (you don't want any colder or it's gross) and then put one teaspoon of salt and drink it. (This is different than gargling because you're using a larger glass and less salt). Salt will thin the mucous and it also kills bacteria on contact.

Colloidal Silver is something else that I have had luck with. You can just squirt it directly down your throat where it's hurting. Colloidal silver is wonderful for lots of things because it is anti-viral, bacterial, microbial and parasitic.

Some other things to try are echinacia, honey, and zinc cough drops.

Hope this helps!

hot tea! always works for me!

Throat Coat tea from a health food store.

okay if yu want to heal a sore throat yu drink green herb really works...try it

Gargle with a warm solution of salt water (1-2 tblsp per cup of water) 3-4 times daily. DO NOT SWALLOW. If you have white spots in your throat, it could signify a strep infection, which WILL NOT heal itself. Go to the Dr. for antibiotics.

Zinc lozenges. They promote healing.

- Salt Gargles (as Do W says)
- Chicken broth (made with garlic and ginger)
- A teaspoon of honey sprinkled with a little bit of black pepper
- Black tea brewed with a piece of cinnamon
- If you are hoarse or have pain while swallowing, keep one clove in your mouth and keep swallowing its juice, it will ease the pain and bring back your voice
- Increase your fluid intake
- Take vitamin C

If you have high fever, you will have to go to a doctor to get antibiotics :P

Get well soon!
PS Some more tried home remedies are at the webpages I have cited below :)

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