What is the best natural way to heal depression?!

Question: Prayer and lots of it. This is no joke. It works. I have watched many people recover from depression by simply praying to God. The healing takes place on your knees.

Answers: Prayer and lots of it. This is no joke. It works. I have watched many people recover from depression by simply praying to God. The healing takes place on your knees.

st johns wort is a great herbal remedy for depression try your local health food store it cannot be taken with conventional anti deppressents camoline tea is good too

First, be sure that you really have depression. My advice is that you see a doctor to be sure that is what you have as some diseases and organic conditions can mimic depression.

Once you are diagnosed with depression, you may be offered a prescription medication. Should you decide to reject this advice, you can try an herb such as St. John's Wort, and add Passion Flower and Valerian for anxiety and sleep. But, only do this on the advice of your doctor as I have found that herbs are not effetive for moderate to severe depression.

Also, I do suggest that you attend some NAMI meetings where you will meet others in your situation.

Eat good healthy food, lots of exercise, Sunlight, they all get you endorphins working for you.
if lifestyle changes don't work you need professional help with it. Don't try just medicating yourself with herbal remedies, if you want to go natural go see a homeopathic DR. They can give you a safe combination of things to combat depression.

first find out if YOU really have depression,
if you wanna get rid of it do somehting go skydive jk...
dont lay bakk..just enjoy urself dont do nuthing to extreme

There are many ways to help with depression, the cause may help you find the best one for you, but here are some things I have tried that have worked for me.

1- Breath deeply - slowly in and out filling the lungs fully (if you breath to fast you will get dizzy and pass out).
2- Repeat over and over in you mind or out loud "I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You." or read the book
3- Tap the sternum at the collar bone and first rib while feeling or saying anything that is bothering you or something you want to reinforce. For more information on Emotional Freedom Technique go to emofree.com.
4- Herbs like Hops, St John's Wart, Valerian root (this may make you sleepy), Chamomile, and other.
5- Liver congestion cause an excess of emotion that needs to be neutralized building up in the system. Dandelion herb is the best I know for this, or you could try raw carrot juice (this will need to be done for weeks, and may turn the skin orange as it cleanses the liver, it is nothing to worry about and will go away when the liver is clean or you stop drinking the juice which ever comes first). If it does seem to be the liver email me for a liver flush that will clean it out faster at ftsgrs06@yahoo.

Done worry this to will pass.

Regular exercise, a good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, Omega 3, and 5 HTP (a supplement found at health food stores).

While in the past, I have been on two different kinds of prescription anti-depressants, tried St. Johns Wort, and SAMe, nothing has come close to the results I have gotten with 5 HTP. It is inexpensive and has worked for me at a very low dose, 50mg every other day.
It has enhanced restful sleep and pretty much has alleviated any Seasonal Affective Disorder that usually plagues me as winter creeps in.

And most importantly I recommend a good support system. Someone that cares enough to not judge you while you recover from depression and is willing to take baby steps with you, offering encouragement and patience.

I wish you the very best! Take care!

Find a naturalpathic doctor that specializes in hormone therapy, since that is what depression is, a lack of certain hormones.

They can give you much more potent remedies than st. johns wort and the like which will get your brain to produce more of the needed chemicals and hormones to put you in balance.

St John's Wort is supposed to help but it is not necessarily the best remedy. It seems to help some people but not others.

Aside form the physical symptoms that you are treating through natural remedies, consider treating the mind and the spirit as well. The depression is being caused by thoughts and emotions that have become habitual.

Depression is like frozen emotions and thoughts that have never been worked out or made peace with yet. Making peace with the past, letting go of resentment about not getting what one wanted in life, and letting go of the desires in the future, and staying right here in the present moment in the now, and not letting your mind or emotions wander to the past or the future, that is the healing that is needed for curing depression.

I finally stopped depression by self realization, meditation and keeping my mind from moving to the past or the future. Here's a video that talks about being in the present, if you want to check it out at http://www.umsonline.org/SpiritualVideoS... and actually there are a whole bunch fo videos about hte now moment at http://umsonline.org/SpiritualVideoSatsa... and if you want to read some course excerpts about retraining the emotional body, here's a course excerpt on Emotional Well Being from University Of Metaphysical Sciences http://www.ucmeta.org/Pages/Articles/Emo...

Don't dwell on it... And find something that makes you feel like you accomplished something after you have done it.

It can be treated in several ways, but it can't be permanently cured.

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