I ate a vegetarian indian takeaway on friday and my tummy still hurts?!

Question: After I ate it my stomach felt a bit wierd. It's nearly 6 days later and I'm still getting stomach cramps every so often. I don't feel really bad, I'm still working but when they come on they really hurt. Do you think I had mild food poisoning? My son said he had a dodgy stomach too and he had the same dish.
What can I take to make my stomach better? Should I not eat?

Answers: After I ate it my stomach felt a bit wierd. It's nearly 6 days later and I'm still getting stomach cramps every so often. I don't feel really bad, I'm still working but when they come on they really hurt. Do you think I had mild food poisoning? My son said he had a dodgy stomach too and he had the same dish.
What can I take to make my stomach better? Should I not eat?

It could be very mild food poisoning, but you haven't mentioned any toilet issues other than cramps. It could be as simple as you having some trapped wind, which might be down to the surge of fibre you get from having loads of vegetables.

If you don't feel like eating, don't. Your body knows when it is ill, so listen to what it is telling you. If you feel hungry stick to simple starchy foods like pasta, and go easy on the fibre. Drink lots of water, and unless it normally causes you a problem, a little milk might help to settle things down. If you have an upset stomach, don't take any tablets for it unless you absolutely need to - it will hold the nastiness in, when it's better coming out.

If you're still feeling ill tomorrow, I'd suggest contacting your GP for advice.

TAke Buscopan for stomach aches...maybe ur just not used to the food or something...unless you get the runs its probably not food poisioning..

I ate the same take away and nothing happened to me. I have international stomach.


If your getting the runs as well I remember my friend said just drink water for a day so the bug has nothing to feed on btu I dunno if this is your problem. You could call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 for nurse advice and health information. The helpline is open 24 hours.

Call your doctor and ask if he/she thinks you and your son need to be seen.
It very well could be some sort of food poisoning.
You might need a prescription med to start feeling better.
That is a long time to have a stomach problem.

I would take in some yoghurt or a medication called Gavison or Mallox.

it's not likely to be food poisoning as it was vegetarian it's probably that it just doesn't agree with you

eat banana 4 ur stomachache 4 the time being,maybe u can't eat curry which has coconut milk.don't take too hot food which's very heaty in the stomach.4 the best n safest way is to consult ur DR asap.take care.

You can get a bad stomach from rice as it is a perfect base for growing bacteria - I have had mild food poisoning from rice before, and my doctor told me that it is one of the most common causes of bad stomachs from Indian and Chinese restaurants.
If it was serious food poisoning, you would have the runs, vomiting and be feeling really terrible - and being a veggie curry it's unlikely to have contained salmonella or e coli unless it was cross contaminated from some meat..
Drink plenty of water,try some pro-biotic yogurt and eat bland food for a week or so and I'm sure you'll feel better soon.

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