I feel like I'm high, but I'm not?!

Question: This has happened before, but I feel really zoned out like I'm high but I didn't smoke anything. What's up?

Answers: This has happened before, but I feel really zoned out like I'm high but I didn't smoke anything. What's up?

You are most likely dehydrated!!!

Drink lots of water and juices with electrolites.

I get dizzy a lot and it's always from dehydrationg.

Also, you might want to get an MRI if this gets worse - could be a tumor.

you're high on life

this is a dumb question

Get some fresh air. Maybe you are in a room with low oxygen levels. Watch out for Carbon Monoxide!

maybe you're just psychologically diseased.

Are you Diabetic...you should see the doctor ...good luck...=-(

You're just tired.
Go take a nap.
This happens to me a lot, in little bursts,
it's because I don't get enough sleep.

are you complaining?

You and me both

Maybe you're high and you don't know it. Maybe someone spiked your water.

You probably smelt the plants your growing

Breath in a paper bag

i have no clue maybe your paranoid of something

After reading a dumb question like that I really think you are high.

We all have the ability to get high without drugs. Drug induced highs are artificial and there are side effects. A natural high that's another story. It's the real thing. Meditation can get you high. Yoga can get you high. Love can get you high. When I mention love I'm not talking about desire but pure love with no expectations. Search for the objective perspective within yourself and when you find it, it will take you to heights. Being high all the time is not a good thing. We need to be down to earth in order to grow. Don't live to get high. Live for the sake of life. Seek inner peace and you'll get high. Become a seeker of Truth. Go on the lifelong journey of finding out who you really are. One day many years ago I was kind of floating around because I was high on weed and this guy came over to me and said, "You know God is the highest." I'm not telling you to become religious in the conventional sense. But, I think that you should look into different religious and philosophical teachings and try to understand why you are here. What is the truth about the world and your presence in it. Look into Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christianity, Judaism, astrology, alchemy, Jungian Psychology. Go on a journey of discovery. There is a great puzzle that needs to be uncovered. There is truth in everything. Do not leave a stone unturned. Your goal should be inner peace. "May all beings be well. May all beings be happy, peace, peace peace..."

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