What are some NATURAL ways to boost my immune system to ward off the flu this year?!

Question: I know about washing hands, blah blah blah. I'm interested in specific vitamins or other remedies that might help strengthen my body's ability to ward it off.

If your answer is "get a flu shot" please don't bother as I am allergic so it's not an option. Thanks!

Answers: I know about washing hands, blah blah blah. I'm interested in specific vitamins or other remedies that might help strengthen my body's ability to ward it off.

If your answer is "get a flu shot" please don't bother as I am allergic so it's not an option. Thanks!

we get sick because our immune system is weak.

There are alot of things you can do to accelerate boosting your immune system. Some to by recognizing what caused your immune system to get weak, then avoiding those things as much as possible. Before I share many ways to boost your immune system, take a look at some possible reasons why our immune system gets weak.

1) Toxins: Most people today have excess accumulation of toxins and waste material in their bodies causing their body to be acidic and adding stress to their immune system function. The two main reasons for this is
a) People are putting huge amounts of toxins (mostly unknowingly) in their bodies on a regular basis and
b) their elimination channels are clogged, slow or sluggish.
c) toxins like "junk" food, medications(drugs), sugars, excess alcohol, allergens all stress your immune system, thus making it weak and unable to fight the germs when exposed to them.

2) Nutritional Deficiency:
When your body lacks nutrition, you will have a weak immune system.
Since our bodies can not produce nutrients needed for optimal health, quality food plays a major factor in keeping our cells healthy and our immune system strong. Food not only provides energy to your body, but all the nutrients that are essential for a healthy immune system.

3) Lack of drinking healthy water:
Dehydration means the cells just simply do not have enough fluid. Dehydration cause medical problems including pain, arthritis, asthma, and allergies, among other medical issues. It can affect your energy and your sleep, and the ability to get toxins/waste material out of the body.

4) Lack of physical activity:
Lack of regular, moderate exercise appears to slow down cleansing the body of certain toxins and waste products

5) Lack of sufficient rest:
lack of sleep will stress your immune system and thus increase the risk of catching a bug.

6) Chronic stress
People who are under chronic stress have lower than normal white blood cell counts, are more vulnerable to colds and other viruses and take longer to recover from them. They are more likely to experience more severe symptoms than people who are not under a great deal of stress.

The good news is you can strengthen your immune system by doing as many of the following list as possible....

1) I know you heard about washing your hands, it does help, but obviously it is much more than that. Keep practicing good personal hygiene care, and wash your hands! The great plague of 1918 could have been avoided by practicing good personal hygiene.

2) get plenty of rest. During deep sleep, our body release potent immune-enhancing substances that strengthen your immune system function. By not allowing our body sufficient rest, the immune system will sputter, and as a result, not function at full capacity. We then are more likely to become ill with common illnesses. A healthy, deep sleep allows our body to release a significant amount of growth hormone that boost the immune system and aids in the growth and repair of the body.

3) get moderate and regular exercise
An increase in blood flow associated with moderate exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white blood cells necessary to fight infection more quickly. As a result, this provides our bodies with an early warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs. In addition, the increase in body temperature as a result of physical activity may aid in inhibiting the growth of bacteria; thus allowing the body to fight infection more effectively.

4) Receiving a Regular Body Cleansing.
Body cleansing is essential because our bodies need to properly eliminate the toxic build up that has formed in our intestines (colon), which may lead to sickness and disease. Our body organs and tissues must be free of toxins for the immune system to function optimally thus enabling our bodies to receive the essential nutrients our bodies need.

5) Boost immune system by drinking plenty of filtered water.
Water is essential for all living things and keeps our immune system operating optimally while improving the way we feel, look and live. Without sufficient amounts of water, you may experience routine fatigue, dry skin, headaches, constipation, and a decrease normal bodily function which may lead to your body unable to fight off diseases. Without water we would literally dehydrate which could result in the shutting down of vital organs and ultimately end in death.

6) Eliminate all sugar and allergens from your diet.
Just a small amount of sugar has been proven to impair white blood cells up to 50% for very short periods of time. By discovering what our personal food allergies are, then eliminating or desensitizing them will help strengthen your immune system. By removing these triggers, our immune cells are strengthened in order to combat other invaders such as influenza rather than the allergen. The elimination of sugar from your diet can also strengthen immune system.

7) Eat nutritiously
Good foods to eat include organic fruits and vegetables, chloretta, medicinal mushrooms like maitake, shiitake, reishi, or turkey tail. Besides water, wheatgrass juice, aloe vera juice, or green tea are good drinks. If it doesn

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