Should people be allowed to sell their organs?!

Question: If you are an adult please answer this is for a speech I am taking a poll.

Answers: If you are an adult please answer this is for a speech I am taking a poll.

Yes...but not to the point of endangering our own health IE not selling organs we need to stay alive.

I think the ultimate idea would be the equivalent of an "organ loan" IE a person can donate an organ but, along with the organ, they get a guarantee that if they ever need an extra organ to live they get high priority to receive one. That would work much the way a CD works in a give it (money/the metaphorical "organ") away so the bank can invest it and make more money and give you something better bank in return a good deal of time later.

That system would likely help both donors and receivers of organs.
BTW, on the side, I don't think suicide should be supported.
While it is our own lives there is a terribly small percent of people who try to commit suicide and fail who do not regret it later...if that were legal we might as well be killing people who are depressed to put them out of their misery (not good and kind of bordering of genocidal) instead of trying to treat them more fairly and cure their depressions.

I'm 29 and I say YES!!! They are mine to sell and I think we should have a right to do what we want with them... I'm never going to use my uterus, I'd love to make some coin off it..

I also support suicide, it's our lives, we should do what we want with them.

Absolutely, if I am able to donate, I feel I should be able to sell as well. The way I see it is if someone needs the extra part and I have it, why shouldn't i or someone be able to not so much make a profit, but be compensated. That being said it is a really hard decision and people would need to realize, once it is gone, there is no getting organs back, unlike parents who sell their children only to get them back a few years later. Legalization of organ placements would result in less of a black market value for organs.

Sometime i dont understand why humans are better than
animals.I know for a fact they use to shoot prisoners
for organs in China. Its just bussines.

I'm a 29 year old male and I believe that the government has no right to regulate what you do with your body, be it selling your organs, using drugs, or ending your life. While I personally have no desire to hand any organ over to the highest bidder, I think the process should be legal.

I don't think we should be able to sell our organs to make a profit. What is wrong with our society that we have to sell our body parts to make money? Is money so important that we stoop to dismembering ourselves? I agree in donating an organ to help a family member, but not selling for money. What would happen to all you people who think that we should be able to do this if you had a child (after selling the organ) and your child needed the organ, but you had sold it long ago for money. I am sure, in hindsight, you would regret having sold it. Also what if you sold a kidney and found years later that you needed a transplant, yet wouldn't if you had 2 in the 1st place. I would think that after selling your kidney, you shouldn't be entitled to a transplant. How many organs do you people think we have to sell. We have 2 kidneys, but only one of everything else, unless you want to sell one of your retinas too. I think I've said enough here. This just isn't right, but is my opionion.

In this day and age, not a good idea. People already kill for money. I wouldn't want to be stalked for my kidneys, or any other organ.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound morbid or negative.


I am an adult and I think we should be allowed to sell any of our possessions including underage children. If we can't feed them, we shouldn't breed them.
Now don't get me wrong here. I am not promoting slavery or child endangerment. I am just saying if we can't afford to keep them, we should be able to sell them to a loving home.
After all, why should the adoption brokers have all the money?

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