What is the best time of day to take vitamin D supplement.?!

Question: Morning or night. Or does it matter.

Answers: Morning or night. Or does it matter.

Whenever you will remember. Because the most important thing is that is taken every day, rather than the specific time.

There is no scientific conclusion that a particular time is best.

"The answer to when you should take your vitamin is: there is no specific time and no rules about when you should take an extra vitamin. You should take them when they agree with you most. Some people take their vitamin first thing in the morning and do not experience any problems at all. Others may not be able to keep them down if they take them in the morning before they have anything to eat. For me, taking my vitamin is part of my morning routine and if I don't take it then, chances are I won't remember to take it during the day."

vitamin D and calcium go well together and usually people drink more milk in the AM, so based on that - I would say AM.

It doesn't matter, but it is good to take it with calcium.

Does not matter. Not in the least.

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