How much turmeric should i take?!

Question: i want to take turmeric for arthritis.

Answers: i want to take turmeric for arthritis.

I take turmeric, but you need to take the capsules as too much of the actual spice can make you sick. I take two capsules a day and it helps my arthritis enough that I don't have to take Celebrex or any of the related Cox-2 inhibitors. It's great! I get at the health food store, just any reputable brand.


Symmetry Products with Tumeric:
Glucosamine Formula

Tumeric or curcumin has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of inflammation and has very effective antioxidants as well.

Doctors are now using tumeric "curcumin" for inflammatory conditions: arthritis, osteoarthritis, acute infections. Also for health conditions caused by free radical damage: cardiovascular problems, arterial damage, heart disease, and others. Tumeric is also used in the treatment of certain cancers.

Many studies have shown the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer powers of curcuminoids in the herb tumeric. In a double-blind test, people with rheumatoid arthritis who received curcumin benefited equally to people who took the drug phyenylbutazone (popular prescription drug which can have side effects). In another study, 10 people received 500 mg of curcumin every day for a week had a measurable lowering of free radicals in their body. Still other medical studies have shown that curcumin with its curcuminoids can block the growth of cancer cells. Tumeric / curcumin has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Uses of Tumeric:

arthritis, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

high cholesterol

digestive problems

liver protection

heart disease


People who should avoid taking Tumeric:

people with childbearing / fertility problems

people taking anti-coagulant medication

people with blood clotting problems

Tumeric is also known as: Curcumin, Curcuma longa, Indian saffron, Saffron, Curcuminoids

Why dont you go to an Indian grocery store and buy it.It is sold in powder form.It is used in India to flavor curries,gravies,in meats,fish, poultry and vegetables.You can buy an Indian cookbook or go on-www, and get recipes.
Personally I think it is a better way to get turmeric than popping pills.

I like to juice the turmeric root with pear and spinach or some other green leafy vegetable. Maybe you can try that. I got the root at the whole food market. It is similar to ginger root but skinnier and the meat is orange. It stains things easily. I love curry and I always put extra turmeric in it. Try some of the recipes that call for curry and add some extra turmeric.

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