Is it bad to take antibiotics when you think your getting sick?!

Question: i want to take some amoxicilin cause i feel like i may be getting ready to get tonsilities is it bad to take it before i am fully sick even tho i feel like im getting ready to be?

Answers: i want to take some amoxicilin cause i feel like i may be getting ready to get tonsilities is it bad to take it before i am fully sick even tho i feel like im getting ready to be?

Use of antibiotics as a preventative will work, but only SHORT TERM! In the end your body and the micro organisms will become resistant to the antibiotics. Then you will be in SERIOUS trouble!
There ARE alternatives however!

You already heard about echinacia. You could also take red clover. Both of these herbs will build up your own immune system and give your body the ability to fight off problems.
Essiac tea is another great immune system booster!

Try these herbal helpers to keep yourself healthy. If you still have problems, then take the antibiotics to CURE, not to prevent.

If you have other questions feel free to E-mail me.

yes it is very bad because if the antibiotics you have are not the right kind for your may be killing off many of them but those germs that survive will be stronger and harder to get rid of. Overuse of antibiotics has cause what they call 'super bugs' to appear on the medical scene. and also, antibiotics don't just kill the bad bacteria but they influence the good bacteria as well.........if you think you are starting to get sick, just take things that support your immune system like elder berries, vitamin C, Zinc, astragalus, etc etc.

It's not a good idea to take antibiotics when you aren't sure what infection you have. We are fast running out of effective antibiotics due to over use. Try to build up your immune system and get plenty of sleep. The body does a lot of repairing while you sleep. If it still get worse, check with your doctor to get the right medication. If he or she prescribes amoxicillin and what you have has not expired, then use them.

Yes definitely. Antibiotic resistance has been brought about because of over-prescribed or self-prescribed use of antibiotics. It is fast becoming a big problem. You should not self-prescribe on prescription medication at all.

If you feel a sore throat coming on then the best course of action is vitamin C and zinc lozenges and gargle with a natural mouthwash bought from a health store: one that contains Aloe vera, Salvadora persica extract and grapefruit seed extract preferably.

You could also dose on garlic. If you don't use garlic in your cooking you can find garlic capsules in all health stores. It has natural antibiotic properties that won't induce antibiotic resistance. Grapefruit seed extract and Salvadora persica extract in a mouthwash should have an antibacterial effect in your mouth: thus helping to prevent a bout of tonsillitis. Grapefruit seed extract has potent antibacterial properties: so much so that they are now using this as an antiseptic in some US hospitals.

Raw honey/Manuka honey is also great for a sore throat. Mix a little of this with juice from freshly grated ginger: this will soothe a sore throat and also the raw honey will have an antibacterial action.

Also: you can take Echinacea capsules at this time of year to keep winter viruses as bay if you are prone to viral attacks.Take for a month with a break (2 weeks) if you feel you need to continue. Echinacea boosts the arm of the immune system that helps fight intracellular infections: should as those causing colds and flu.

If you are on prescribed blood-thinning medication: talk to your doctor first before taking garlic capsules.

Hope this helps.
Best wishes.


That is why we have drug resistant strains of things(MERSA) because people take antibiotics when they are not truly needed!

Go to Walmart and buy a bottle of liquid echineachia and take three teaspoons (straight) per day. No one should ever take anti biotics except in an emergency. It will destroy the natural bacteria and anti bodies in your body and you will have to go on a special diet to get into balance again.

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