What works for anxiety attacks that you can purchase on the shelf. No prescriptions.?!

Question: No prescribed medications please.

Answers: No prescribed medications please.

Lavendar oil extract. Get the pure stuff and just open the bottle and breath it. It works in just a couple of minutes.

red bull


see these listings on ebay

this listing for stress management total support


At health food stores there are lots of calming formulas that contain valerian root, kava kava and lavender. One product is called Calm-Ease. There are also homopathic drops that address anxiety as well.

bachs-rescue remedy $18 australian--basically it's flower essences--IT REALLY WORKS-most pharmacies have it and some larger supermarkets--i've seen people calm down within 30 seconds,but mostly by 3 minutes

Well, my child, if you want no prescriptions, you'll get no relief. It is as simple as that: there is NO alternative, complimentary or herbal medicine that can relieve an anxiety attack. There is also none of the above which can prevent one from occurring.

What is your problem with prescriptions? They work, they are safe, and they actually cost no more than those snake-oil formulas you can buy at the health food store (Now, there's an oxymoron!). I'd say if a person is still so silly that they believe in "alternative medicine" that they have not yet suffered enough.

I would not want to reccommend anything and be the cause of something going wrong. I would suggest trying to just follow these steps. If that does not work seek a lecensed physician.

Strategies For Coping With Panic

1. Remember that although your feelings and symptoms are very frightening, they are not dangerous or harmful.

2. Understand that what you are experiencing is just an exaggeration of your normal bodily reactions to stress.

3. Do not fight your feelings or try to wish them away. The more you are willing to face them, the less intense they will become.

4. Do not add to your panic by thinking about what "might"
happen. If you find yourself asking "What if?" tell yourself "So what!"

5. Stay in the present. Notice what is really happening to you as opposed to what you think might happen.

6. Label your fear level from zero to ten and watch it go up and down. Notice that it does not stay at a very high level for more than a few seconds.

7. When you find yourself thinking about the fear, change your "what if" thinking. Focus on and carry out a simple and manageable task such as counting backward from 100 by 3's or snapping a rubber band on your wrist.

8. Notice that when you stop adding frightening thoughts to your fear, it begins to fade.

9. When the fear comes, expect and accept it. Wait and give it time to pass without running away from it.

10. Be proud of yourself for your progress thus far, and think about how good you will feel when you succeed this time.

I used to have anxiety attacks and unfortunately, I had little to no luck with medications, both over the counter and otherwise.

As dumb as this may sound, try meditation and breathing exercises. You can take classes or buy a book from amazon on how to teach yourself, although it can be difficult for a beginner to really know if he or she is doing it right.

Dr Weil has software that helps teach you how, which is what I ended up using. Check out his website, he might have other suggestions for you too. You could have a vitamin imbalance. (www.drweil.com). His meditation/breathing software is called Wildvine. I know I sound like an advertisement, but it seriously worked for me.

Have you gone to a doctor to check it out and see if something else is bothering you? I'm assuming you must have already if you are looking for non-prescription stuff.



Have u tried some relaxation exercises?
Maybe you could also try counselling or accupuncture they say that's good for lots of things.
I dont know were your from but in the uk we have a tablet that you can buy without prescription is called khalms.
Try it if you can....

Best of luck hun xxxxxxxxx

Books that address phobias and self-esteem issues.

You can go to Walmart or any health food store and pick up Valerian Root, Passionflower,Skullcap. You can buy most of these in capsule form or in a tea.


If you are looking for something to treat anxiety attacks that is natural I would highly recommend that you seek out a naturopathic doctor (an ND) - as anxiety can be caused by many things and popping a pill is not going to be the solution. An ND can give you something that will work for you - everyone responds differently and needs different things... You may have a deficiency that will solve it.

There are drugs you can pick off the shelf like St. John's Wort, a Kava Kava - but there are side effects and like most depression medicine - you won't get an instant "hit" from these herbs. They have to build in you!!

Relora or Relacore are both excellent for general stress and depression. A B multi-vitamin. Vitamin C, Vitamin E... and Omega-3 (400 EPA:200 DHA or greater) (get the enteric coated capsules unless you want to smell like fish)

Again - please, please talk to an ND or a family doctor who is open to natural medicine as well. Anxiety is a complex condition that cannot be easily treated.

Wish I could offer you a magic solution or pill for this!

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