Home remedies for a sore throat?!

Question: I have been sick for over 2 weeks, and it is different every week, last week it was runny nose and constant tiredness, and now I have lost my voice, and I cough a lot, but I try not to because it disturbs my throat too much. Does anyone have any home remedies for this? I don't like tea (I have already tried that) so what could work? Thanks

Answers: I have been sick for over 2 weeks, and it is different every week, last week it was runny nose and constant tiredness, and now I have lost my voice, and I cough a lot, but I try not to because it disturbs my throat too much. Does anyone have any home remedies for this? I don't like tea (I have already tried that) so what could work? Thanks

Gargling with apple cider vinegar a couple times a day works well for me. And honey is also great, so hot water lemon and honey as often a you can.

Hot lemon and honey usually works for me.

Hot water, bourbon, and honey sure helps me with a sore throat. My problem is I can't ever stop at having just one! ;P

Get some Grapefruit Seed Extract (also available at your health food store or iHerb) Make sure you get grapeFRUIT not grape seed extract. Put 10 drops in 6 oz of water and gargle for sore throat or swallow for other concerns. If you think ear or sinus infection, you can use it as diluted drops. My son-in-law was seen by an ER doc and told he had an ear infection. He declined the antibiotic prescription and used the GSE drops instead. We use it for throat infections also.
Vit C is a great antiviral. Take 2-3 times daily - spread out since Vit C is a water soluble vitamin and your body will excrete excess. They make children's chewables which will be an appropriate dosage.

Sorry - one of my top recommendations is: Mullein tea is great for respiratory anything. You can find it at your health food store or online at http://www.iherb.com (not affiliated, just like their service) Steep tea for 5-8 minutes. We used it to calm my daughter's cough when she contracted whooping cough (and yes, she was vaccinated, which is why we no longer vaccinate). I know you don't like tea - but have you tried mullein or do you prefer to be sick?

Other good teas - Lemon, chamomile, peppermint.

Don't forget to add honey to your tea. Honey is a great anti EVERYTHING. Very beneficial. My daughter actually took just a tsp of honey straight last time she started to get a cold. She didn't complain about the cold again.

Not necessarily healing, but definitely soothing is pineapple juice - 100% only.

Garlic is also good. We make it into a butter (1 tbsp melted butter - 1 clove or more garlic crushed into butter) We spread it on bread and grill it (don't toast, butter might ignite) or we put it on our favorite pasta. Some just pop a garlic clove, but we like the flavor :-)

Steam always helps clear things out and relieve congestion.

Lots of liquids. We also add 1 tsp of vinegar to apple juice (100% juice only). Vinegar (apple cider not white) is a great natural way to help your body deal with illness. It is okay in other juices, but tastes best in apple we think.

If the congestion is making you very uncomfortable, get some Robitussin PE (PE only, other formulations have too much in them you don't need). It and aspirin are the only OTC meds we do. It will help with the congestion by thinning the mucus so it can drain and keep out of your lungs also.

Finally, NO refined sugars. They are immune system suppressants and will counteract any good you are trying to do. If giving her juices make the 100% and watch out for high fructose corn syrup.

well wheni have a sore throat i get a glass of warm water add salt and gargle and that will kill the bacteria

Zinc lozenge usually works pretty well. You can find it at any health food store.

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