Are most of the things that Kevin Trudeau says true? For instance "natural cures and Debt Cures".?!

Question: I am just asking this question because i am really intrigued by the information that he talks about. so please give me some answers thanx

Answers: I am just asking this question because i am really intrigued by the information that he talks about. so please give me some answers thanx

Hi Billionaire

As funny as it may seem the FDA, FTC, and several other government agencies can regulate what news comes out of the main press. Kevins's book is very powerful. but they discredit him in the media because they can and wont stop until he stops talking.

The media cant say we have hundreds of methods to cure a cold or cancer because only a drug, surgery, or chemo can cure illness or disease (FDA has this law in place). That's the law and that is power!

I have helped people cure big diseases and there are many other healers in the world who do the same, but again the press is regulated on certain categories. Like anything in life you must do your own research and find out yourself. Everything has a spin story, but it's up to you to decide who to believe.

Best of health to you

Trudeau is a convicted fraud and a crackpot. What's true in his books is trite, commonplace, and obvious. What's bogus is the product of deeply flawed thinking. Even Altmed enthusiasts are, or should be, embarrassed by Trudeau.

See the Wikipedia article for a full discussion of Kevin Trudeau.

That's the thing about Kevin is that most of the thing's he says are actually from somebody else, and often light years more qualified than he is on whichever topic. What's the chance that his books will be snuffed after their popular following here and abroad, much less his voice? I have worked as a herbalist in the health field for over ten years and after looking through his book I had very little to disagree with directly, some methods seemed crude or outdated but all had a great deal of validity. Not unlike the claims and legal limbo that 'Fast Food Nation' and Eric Schlosser's ground breaking, journalism have walked the walk and talked the talk with!! The difference with Kevin and the other rebel writers before him is he actually got rich quick enough and he was smart enough to get a team of lawyers so the big dog didnt get to bite him for the big one.

KEVIN IS A CONVICTED FELON. and credit card scammer

GOOGLE "RIPOFFREPORTS.COM" then type in kevin trudeau
He has 17 pages of people he has ripped off.(and growing)

he is bad news.

He's one of many who speak the truth. He monopolized on it for himself, but so what! How many pharmaceuticals monopolize on our deaths?

My daughter just lost her 15 year old friend to ovarian cancer. Don't you think the mother would be outraged to find out that her daughter didn't have to die?

Think about it.

So he made a mistake almost as bad as Martha Stuart, so what that was 20 year ago. I don't think he flew 5 million miles around the world and talked to hundreds of top doctors/scientist that were actually curing thousands of people with products and devices and came out with fake knowledge, he knows what he is talking about. Go talk to the doctors around the world your self don't just look them up online where you can't tell what is truth and what is not. Go talk to Bruce lipton PhD, Dr. Richard Shculze, Gary Null, Peter Ragnar, David Wolf,Roger Callahan Ph.D. Dr Leonard Coldwell when he lived in Germany had the highest terminally ill cure rate of all of Germany, but that will never be front page news here in the US because of this big Parma money game, at the expense of many hundreds of thousand of people a year just in the US alone. Did you know at Monsanto where they produce GMO seeds, the scientist there refused to eat food in there cafeteria that was grown from GMO seeds, the very scientist who created the GMO seeds refused to eat it, so do you think its still stupid to eat non GMO organic food. Don't think what ever the media says is true. I could go on and on, the bottom line is Kevin Trudeau has done his research so should you.

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