Question: WEBSITES WHERE I CAN BUY DISCOUNT RX PRECRIPTIONS IF I HAVE NO INSURANCE?? they are honest & i will really recieve them & I can safely use my credit card to purchase them...I've heard there are overseas companies like this????

Answers: WEBSITES WHERE I CAN BUY DISCOUNT RX PRECRIPTIONS IF I HAVE NO INSURANCE?? they are honest & i will really recieve them & I can safely use my credit card to purchase them...I've heard there are overseas companies like this????

Canada Drugs

Complete legal & safe. Wonderful people. Give them a call & inquire. I guarantee you'll use them. I have family that have been using them for years!!!

Wal Mart now has all prescriptions for like 3 or 4 bucks.

walmart, because they are only 4 dollars

Walmart, Krogers, and Walgreens all do this. Don't do it over the internet.

Wal-Mart has several, but not all prescriptions for four dollars. You might also look into prescription drug coverage only.

Call the Warehouse Clubs first for prices... like Sam's Club, Costco and even try Wal-Mart. They can often come close to the online and out of country places. Also, be sure to tell your Doctor that you don't have insurance and ask for samples....

i think that you have to have insurance for that. Insurance i really important. If u get sick it is what they will look for first. When you get one get CareFirst. The Doctor's take really good care of u if u have it. I do and it's great.

I recommend generic meds at the pharmacy. Never buy drugs off the internet, you don't know what you are getting, and some of the ones you get over seas are not aproved by the fda and have low grade ingredients or substitutes that could be toxic or deadly side effects.

I like Hometown Meds in Canada. They are always helpful, honest, quick, and supportive. I have insurance, but even with the insurance one of my prescriptions costs less to order it from Canada, even factoring in the shipping! Yes, the big bulk stores like CostCo are better in some cases, and always better than CVS, but for this one prescription, Canada is cheaper!

I use my credit card and Fax my order in- I've never had a single problem.

Mexico.. you don't even need a Rx there.

Talk to your doctor. Sometime they can help with the cost of the meds if you tell them you can't afford the high price or try your pharmasits they can also help with the meds if you can't afford them.

COSTCO...and they let you in without the membership if you tell them you go to the pharmacy! I used to have to pay for Diovan and at the drugstore it was almost 80 bucks, costco 40!! Also, my doctor used to give me free samples :)

If you don't like the WalMart answer, maybe you should go directly to the drug manufacturer. They are all the time advertising about how philanthropic they are by providing free meds to qualifying people. Find out the drug company's name for your script and contact them about their aid program. Or ask your doctor, they should know of any programs or maybe even have samples they can give you. Pharmaceutical Cos are just as bad as drug pushers, they like to make some free stuff available first to get you hooked.

Also, alternative medicine is not the category to ask about prescription drugs in. If you want to know what to take INSTEAD then, ask here. You might get more traffic in a category that MDs other than our trolls frequent.

Try SearchAllDeals.com, and search "DISCOUNT RX PRESCRIPTIONS". Here is a direct link to the search result:


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