I started taking Juice +. Has anyone had bad side effects from this?!

Question: I am feeling fatigued everyday even after a good night's sleep. I am only 27 and have a great sex life, but since juice +, I feel impotent. Has anyone else had side effects or anything bad from taking this. It's just a vitamin supplement, so I'm a little concerned.

Answers: I am feeling fatigued everyday even after a good night's sleep. I am only 27 and have a great sex life, but since juice +, I feel impotent. Has anyone else had side effects or anything bad from taking this. It's just a vitamin supplement, so I'm a little concerned.

I am not affiliated nor a distributor of juice plus, but I can tell you that it has no substances that create a reaction.

Because your body is the machine that knows what to do when provided with the tools to do it, it must be a correcting crisis kicking in.

Which means your kidneys and liver are working more efficiently for the first time in years and you are dumping toxins that have been sored in your subcutanious tissues over the years simply by living in the world we live in, period.

This can feel like lethargy, achy, runny nose, etc... Sleeping more means a healing affect is taking place as well.

The good news is that if this is the case, then you are doing yourself a favor.

It doesn't last for more than a few weeks and after wards, you feel better than you've ever felt in years.

You never know what state of health you were in before you experience optimal health. For example, some people say they are healthy but have learned to live with health challenges for so long, that they didn't realize that they could have felt even better.

Keep in mind that the life of a red blood cell is every four months. If you just started, give it several months. No, you will not feel fatigued the entire time... Drink lots of water, take 20 minute walks every day and it will pass very soon.

Good luck in a better you than before and use this opportunity of learning about health through this company to open doors about health and nutrition that the world has to offer you with other things out there.

Just put your wellness thinking cap on and you will be greatful for a long and healthy life.

Sounds like your body is de-toxing,

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