I broke my toe today. What is the best remedy for healing and how long will it be before I can wear heels?!

Question: Since there is nothing more a doctor can do for you that you couldn't do yourself, save yourself an enormous copay and do it yourself. Whichever toe you broke-the best solution is to use medical tape and tape it to the toe next to it. wrap the tape around the two a few times, but make sure it is not too tightly, as you do not want to cut off the circulation (which would cause it to take longer to heal because blood is not getting to the injured area). As for wearing heals, it should be a good two months before you wear heals again, as your toe is more sensitive and can not heal properly if it is jammed into a high-healed shoe. Keep ice on the foot for a few weeks-twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off. don't give yourself frost bite. and the most important thing-take it easy on the foot. don't be too afraid to put wait on it but don't go kicking anything ore dancing for a while. Honestly, it's not a big deal. I myself have broken three toes in the past, two healed properly and are normal, but the first break didn't because I didn't follow the steps above.

Answers: Since there is nothing more a doctor can do for you that you couldn't do yourself, save yourself an enormous copay and do it yourself. Whichever toe you broke-the best solution is to use medical tape and tape it to the toe next to it. wrap the tape around the two a few times, but make sure it is not too tightly, as you do not want to cut off the circulation (which would cause it to take longer to heal because blood is not getting to the injured area). As for wearing heals, it should be a good two months before you wear heals again, as your toe is more sensitive and can not heal properly if it is jammed into a high-healed shoe. Keep ice on the foot for a few weeks-twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off. don't give yourself frost bite. and the most important thing-take it easy on the foot. don't be too afraid to put wait on it but don't go kicking anything ore dancing for a while. Honestly, it's not a big deal. I myself have broken three toes in the past, two healed properly and are normal, but the first break didn't because I didn't follow the steps above.

go 2 the doctor or put ice

dont wear heels

put it in ice water

go to the doctor and it will be awhile

Keep it elevated and stay off of it as much as possible. Heels? They just might make your toe heel crooked.

the doctor will probably just do something like tape your broken toe to a toe next to it. Theres not a whole ton they can do and it will probably be a while before you can wear heels.

pull it and strap it do it yourself

get a toe splint from the hospital
and 6weeks at least before wearing high heels again
its flat trainer/sneaker jogging shoes only for you
anything else will cause excruciating pain
in the first two weeks

i broke my 5th metadorsal last christmas an it took about 8 weeks to get back to normal! i can recall the pain, and i feel for you!

Call a toe truck.

Sorry, I just had to say that first.

Go see a doctor, get an xray and a professional opinion. The doctor should be able to give you an accurate answer.

Good luck. Mend quickly!

tape it to the longer toe next to it to hold it stable and baby it for a while. you will know when you can stand to wear heels,when it don't hurt like heck to walk. my guess if you are not a big baby, a week.

Go to the doctor immediately, keep your toe as straight as possible, and try not to move it as much as possible. Don't wear heels at all until your completely healed.

I broke my toe one time on vacation to FL and there was nothing the Dr could do for it. There really is no fast fix for a broke toe. It took mine weeks to heal. As for wearing heels, Well if you can stand the pain when ever you want to. I would not recommend wearing them because it might make the bone in your toe grow back crocked.

unfortunatly nothing can be done about a broken toe except to tape it to another toe so it has support ansd doesnt move.ias for healing,it takes about a month or so.

Most doctors will not bother to do anything for a broken toe. Ice it over night and then when you want to walk after the swelling goes down, tape it to the toe next to it. Use that tan colored tape you can buy at the drugstore. I would stay out of heels for at least a month. You will be able to tell right away when it is feeling better. Ice it and keep it up for a while before you do anything else. Hope you feel better soon.

There are no real way to make it any better and it really *****
too have to go through all of this. You have to wait it out, Do put Ice on it because it will keep the swelling down.

Look I have broken my toes more times than I care to count. I was in Martial Arts and always doing something to myself. First off they don't do anything for a broken toe other than keep it iced until the swelling goes down and then wrap it up real good with tape to help it to not move around. Put a few socks on that foot and yes keeping off of it until you can put some pressure on it is a good idea. I broke my big toe and still after 1 year it is still sensative. It depends too if it is a true break or a hairline fracture or a really bad sprain that can often feel like a break. Just keep doing the ice, take some ibuprofen, wear a sock or an ace bandage. Do not wear shoes on that foot since it irritates it and can make it worse.

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