
Question: anybody ever had a problem with this and how did you conquer it ???????????????

Answers: anybody ever had a problem with this and how did you conquer it ???????????????

i was taking amphetamines 4 3 years, i was taking around 2 ounces a week. i went from 13 an half stone, to 8 stone. ide stay awake 4 6 nights, sleep for day or 2 den back up again. during this period i suffered many problems, physical and mental. i managed t get into detox then rehab. i was clean for around 18 months,, till bout 4 months ago. i started again ,im not taking as much as then but still enough. while of it i still suffered wid paranoia, cycosis, woudnt leave house, still had trouble sleeping, appetite would *** and go. ive now recently threw my drug worker and doctor, had many tests on my organs, ive got an ulcer, 1 of my kidneys had shrunk, my liver is damaged but will repair, but my brain has been damaged, i suffer memory loss, and doctor has sort of diagnosed me wid schizophrenia but i have t wait t c cyciatrist for a proper diagnosis. amphetamine is a very damaging drug, and it is addictive, hope this helps if u want t chat more some day bout it more. email me threw yahoo answers, and i giv u my msn we can chat, ile b happy t answer any questions, if i can. good luck mate.

Man bro thats a tough one.. The only thing I can tell you is get out of that circle for awile. Away from those freinds. My freind got busted sellin and alot of heat came down so I got a job working out of town for awhile..That helped.. Sometimes re-hab is the answer. If you cant beat it on your own.. I really hope you can beat it man. Hopefully you have someone that can help you quit and stay away from it. Good luck

not meth but I conquered coke.1st get away from the dealer or source.2nd get rid of all reminders, ie. paraphernalia.3rd tell someone you love about your problem,and ask for help kicking the habit. You don't need rehab if you are strong. good luck.

stay away from anyone that does it and choose not to do it. if you cant do it on your own get help

If a person Dev's an addiction they must first realize that they got on to the wrong path and second they must get help. Once addiction develops it's hard to get out it does not matter if it's alcohol or drugs. It's 50% will power and the desire to heal and 50% treatment.

Most people don't understand that chemical addictions are initially caused from bad choices then they are metabolic conditions which a person can't just choose to get out of the problem because chemical addiction is 1000% more then just a strong person saying "i won't do it any more". It's the worst kind of hell on this earth. Medical attention is needed in order to save a person

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