Natural remedies for sinus infection? Can I cure it without an antibiotic?!

Question: I'm a preschool teacher and CONSTANTLY getting sick :( Right now i'm trying to fight a horrible cold and i'm trying to lessen it for the holidays. I know I need antibiotics because the mucus is green, but I cannot get to the doctor because of the holidays. We do keep things very clean at the preschool, but it does not seem to help. Any alternatives for antibiotics in the meantime? Or any suggestions?

Answers: I'm a preschool teacher and CONSTANTLY getting sick :( Right now i'm trying to fight a horrible cold and i'm trying to lessen it for the holidays. I know I need antibiotics because the mucus is green, but I cannot get to the doctor because of the holidays. We do keep things very clean at the preschool, but it does not seem to help. Any alternatives for antibiotics in the meantime? Or any suggestions?


Here are some ideas to heal the issue.

1. To improve breathing and fight infections, inhale steamed vapors of the essential oils of camphor, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, pine, or tea tree.

2. Have yourself screened for food allergies and sensitivities, and avoid eating those foods to which you test positive.

3. Determine if you have acute (lasts 2-8 weeks) or chronic sinusitis. Untreated chronic cases can result in increased degeneration of the mucus membrane.

4. Avoid all sugar, wheat and soy products, soft drinks, foods containing artificial ingredients, and commercially processed foods. Reduce your intake of caffeine products, commercial dairy products, red meat, and refined carbohydrates.

5. Drink eight ounces of pure, filtered water every two hours; add freshly-squeezed lemon juice and a dash of cayenne pepper. Enjoy freshly-made, organic vegetable juices during the day, as well as hot broths and soups.

6. Eat an organic, whole foods diet, with plenty of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, organic, free-range meats and poultry, and wild-caught fish. Use garlic, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, horseradish, and onion liberally.

7. Useful herbs for sinusitis include Echinacea, elder flowers, eyebright, goldenrod, goldenseal, stinging nettle, wild indigo, and yarrow.

8. Helpful homeopathic remedies include Arsenicum album, Kalium bichromium, Mercurius iodatus, Nux vomica, Silicea, and Euphorbium compositum.

9. Do saltwater nasal irrigation to clear nasal passages. Hot foot baths and alternating hot and cold compresses over the sinuses help symptoms. If you smoke, seek help to stop. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and excessively cold or dry air.

10. Invest in a negative ion generator, a humidifier, and add air-filtering plants to your home and work. Keep your place well ventilated.

11. Useful nutrients include vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, calcium, chromium picolinate, magnesium, selenium, and zinc. Take flaxseed oil and omega-3 oils, as well as a multivitamin/multimineral complex supplement.

12. Do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to five times a week. Also include stretching and strength-conditioning exercises, and an easy relaxation technique spending five minutes a few times a day sitting comfortably with your eyes closed, breathing slowly and deeply through the nose, allowing the belly to rise and fall.

Best of health to you

Go to the immediate care and get an antibiotic or your holiday will just be more miserable than ever.

There are many cold and sinus remedies OTC available, and they can be found at Meijers, open 24 Hrs and other stores CVS Wallgreen etc. They should give you some relief and a chance to find out if they indeed do what they promise. iSome cases do require the Antibiotic.

Olive leaf , Oregano oil.

the previous answer is right but sounds like a lot of work to me. here are a couple of helpful suggestions. i used to get horrible sinus infetions. i started taking Guaifenesin when it was cold or sinus season and haven't had to take an antibiotic for a sinus infection since. the brand name over the counter of Guaifenesin is mucinex. aslo eucalyptus oil is great to help clear the sinuses. if you can't find just eucalyptus oil get some vicks. smell it several times a day even when you get over this it has great healing powers.
if you can get your sinus to drain you may not need an antibiotic to clear this up.

hope you get to feeling better.

Find yourself a neti pot, and use it twice per day... it looks like a teapot. Fill it with warm (body temp) saltwater, and pour into one nostril (put your head over the sink)- you'll have to figure out how to tip your head so it goes in one nostril and out the other.

Your sinuses are normally full of saline, so you're replacing it with pretty much what was in there in the first place- it's best not to use iodized salt, but to find a natural sea salt (or kosher salt,which is easier on the budget) to keep it natural as possible.

I suffered from horrible allergies and sinus problems around mold, dust, or pollen, and a neti pot morning and night has cleared it up for me, and my mom and three aunts who all suffered from the same thing.

Allergy pill free for six years now...

My mom swears by snorting warm salt water up her nose.

boil some garlic and onion in mustard oil,when its cold put in your nose keep it in as long you can.

Breathing is less of a chore when air can flow freely through your nasal passages. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may help relieve the pressure and congestion caused by sinusitis:

Keith Woolley

the mayo clinic has verified twice that 95% of all resperatory ills are of fungal giving an anti-biotic for such is like throwing gas on a fire to put it out!!! there are a lot of natural methods of cure.a neti-pot with a saline soluton helps to clean/clear of the fungus.natural sprays like olive leaf,xlear and grapefruit seed work well,also sinufix and p-73 oreganol does a great job.most of these remedies can be found at your local health food stores or bought on-line...

I love how people think they need an antibiotic when their mucous is green. About 85% of upper respiratory infections in adults are viral. Stop with the "I know I need an antibiotic" speech because most doctors hate to hear that.
Drink lots of fluid, avoid chocolate/dairy/starches, use a saline nasal spray, keep your hands washed a LOT while at work, and STOP thinking you need an antibiotic everytime you get a cold.

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