Anyone know of any natural over counter things that help depression and tiredness?!

Question: u can always mediate, it help u to find your inner self and happiness, plus it decrease depression, or u can go to the doc and explain to them, your depression and tiredness, or u can build your confidence to overcome your problems

Answers: u can always mediate, it help u to find your inner self and happiness, plus it decrease depression, or u can go to the doc and explain to them, your depression and tiredness, or u can build your confidence to overcome your problems

B6 or B12 if you want energy but depression needs the big guns that you can only get through a doctor.

St John's Wort works for the depression and really does lift your mental capacity. For the tiredness look in to your diet and try to avoid processed or pre-prepared foods.

Find out about a meditation group around your area and start doing some moderate excercise.
Check your food intake towards proper blalanced high quality proteins and micronutrients.
You'll improve your condition 1000% within 6 weeks.

I been living with depression for years and you really need to get to a doctor and they can give you what you need. Some depression is a chemical imbalance in your brain and med.s are the only way.

hmmm, 4 real, 4 real, have you tried exercising? go for a walk or a jog, it'll take your mind off of whatever is buggin ya, and if u push it hard enough u'll be pretty tired after its all said n done too!!! Solves both issues! or u could find a good chat spot online and talk! venting is always good and if u chat long enough, u'll probably get tired (eventually) and wont be able to hold those lids open anymore!! good luck!

If u face this kind of situation what u can do is:
a)Reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates. The brain prefers sugar as its source of energy. However, when a person eats refined sugar or carbohydrates, blood sugars tend to rise and fall quickly, leading to low blood sugar. Symptoms of low blood sugar include depression, anxiety, fatigue, irritability and headaches.

b) Increase your intake of omega-3 oils. Omega-3 oils are an important component of the membranes of nerve cells. It is important to support nerve health so that neurotransmitters function normally. Omega-3 oils are found in wild, deep-water fish (salmon, cod, and sardines) and in nuts and seeds including walnuts, pumpkin and flax.

c) Decrease the toxic load on your body. A major toxin for the body is alcohol, which functions as a brain depressant and increases cortisol levels in the body. Caffeine is technically a stimulant, but has been linked in several studies to depression. The effect of caffeine is worse when combined with sugar.

d)Increase your exercise. The natural endorphins released during exercise seem to have a mood-elevating effect. Some of the best exercises to this end are weight lifting, walking briskly, jogging, bicycling, cross-country skiing, swimming, and dancing aerobically. Participate in a regular exercise program as part of a healthy lifestyle.

e) Eat more vegetables and/or take vitamin supplements. Depressed people are often deficient in many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, iron, and trace minerals. These vitamins are important for making and processing neurotransmitters in the body. The levels of these vitamins may be low due to hormone or birth control pills, excessive stress, or low levels of stomach acid, which can cause decreased absorption of vitamins and minerals.

I have tried all the steps my friend and every single thing worked out smoothly. I m now enjoying a life free of depression. Give a try.

You can always do a soothing phrase that brings comfort, depression and tiredness is always accompanied by negative emotions. Take a rest and relax

Corkee's right about the B vitamins and you can get them in whole grain breads. Trivita makes a B complex tablet that melts under your tongue and gets into the bloodstream much faster. I've heard that sunshine is good for depression, and I always feel better after 10 minutes in a tanning bed.

For when it's beyond a bad day: Learn more about symptoms and what you can do to overcome depression. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may be helpful:

Keith Woolley

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