Alternative asthma treatments?!

Question: I have recently been diagnosed with mild/moderate asthma stemming from severe allergies. I am on a steroid inhaler, and albuterol when needed, but is there anything else I can do to reduce my dependance on the inhalers? Natural, holistic treatments that can help me breathe easier? Would air purifiers help? Deep breathing techniques?

Answers: I have recently been diagnosed with mild/moderate asthma stemming from severe allergies. I am on a steroid inhaler, and albuterol when needed, but is there anything else I can do to reduce my dependance on the inhalers? Natural, holistic treatments that can help me breathe easier? Would air purifiers help? Deep breathing techniques?

Keep your home clear of dust and pollen.
Avoid cigarette smoke.

Stay away from cats; their dander is highly allergenic.

Remain calm. Managing stress helps fight asthma.

Treat colds and the flu promptly to reduce the chances of an attack.

Wear a scarf over your mouth and nose to warm the cold winter air.

Keep an asthma diary to help you determine your asthma triggers.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep mucus loose.

Substances in green tea can help reduce the airway inflammation that accompanies an asthma attack. Taking time for a cup of tea can be soothing and calming as well. You can safely drink several cups of green tea a day in combination with other nutritional and herbal remedies.

Yoga is an excellent activity for people with asthma. Not only does it enhance breathing, it is also relaxing.

An inexpensive device, called a peak-flow meter, measures how fast and how hard you can exhale air from your lungs. Its results, compared to levels set by your doctor or to previous readings, can often predict an asthma attack, even a day or two in advance.

Eating lots of onions may help asthma sufferers. The mustard oils (isothiocyanates) they contain seem to promote healthy lungs.

The supplements in the list below are meant to complement conventional asthma therapy. Never stop taking medication prescribed for asthma without consulting your doctor.

Vitamin C: 1,000 mg 3 times a day. Reduce dose if diarrhea develops.

Magnesium : 400 mg twice a day. Take for 6 weeks to achieve adequate levels.

Vitamin B6: 50 mg twice a day. Especially important if you take the prescription asthma drug theophylline.

Quercetin : 500 mg 3 times a day. Use 20 minutes before meals; often sold with vitamin C.

Licorice : 200 mg standardized extract 3 times a day. Can raise blood pressure. Use DGL.

Doing deep breathing excercises in a daytime outdoor envoirnment will help enormously, especially if you can be near greenery. Sit crosslegged, slowly breath in through your nose while pushing your shoulders back and arms outstretched. hold your breath for 3-6 seconds, then as you're bring your your arms down (everything being done slowly) breath out and try to get as much oxygen as you can out of your lungs, relax, then repeat. Also you can build up an excercise routine, such as walking whilst doing the breathing as above, without the sitting down/arm movements, riding a bike, swimming and such, anything you can think of which will benefit your health. Within quite a short while you will need the salbuterol less and less, but you mustn't cut out the steroid inhaler until your GP agrees to cut the dosage down. I have never used an air purifier, so can't comment.

Asthma is a condition where there is an overreaction of the bronchial tubes (where air passes through before they reach the lungs) to various allergens in the air. I recommend acupuncture to help regulate these reactions to allergens.

hot black coffee........

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