Why does cocaine make people skinny?!

Question: Cocaine does not make you skinny, it makes you not want to eat. The not eating makes you skinny. It also makes you weak and listless and not able to hold your head up.
Please eschew the use of cocaine.
I ain't telling you to not do drugs, just don't do cocaine.

Answers: Cocaine does not make you skinny, it makes you not want to eat. The not eating makes you skinny. It also makes you weak and listless and not able to hold your head up.
Please eschew the use of cocaine.
I ain't telling you to not do drugs, just don't do cocaine.

The hallucinations that they have distract them from food. Do not use cocaine to loose weight. That would just plain be stupid.

Because cocaine is expensive and addictive. People can't afford both and choose cocaine over food.

I never tried to get skinny on coke... or is cocaine different. My sister has done it many times but she tends to loose her job in the process. What is the high really like?

It increases your motablism and activity level ,along with heart rate,muscle activity and such so you burn calories even when "at rest' while dimenising appetite,you lose interest in food ,dont get hungry and your mind is bouncing too much to lock onto an idea like setting down to eat.the pleasure indorphines from the cocaine are so high that it blocks you having any other urges or desires except more coke.

it takes away you'er appitite. in a bad way. don't consider it

Good cocaine doesn't make you want to eat- or keep a job- or a life or.......

It kills you!

You may end up without teeth to eat.
Don't try it, it is dangerous, you are wasting money that could be used for something worth it and that will be around after the coke wears off or if you are so rich, help someone else either income problems, of you can end up on welfare or hospital===

They do not eat. They are not hungry.

it use all your nutrition away -then nothing left for energy.

some people actually throw up right after they smoke rock cocaine. So along with not wanting to eat they have eliminated the food that was keeping them semi healthy.

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