Sore Throat Remedy?!

Question: Last night, I got sick. Feels like Step Throat is imminent.

My health insurance doesn't begin until January 19, 2007.

I started taking vinegar and somewhere that it will kill bacteria.

Any other suggestions? I have to work tomorrow.

Answers: Last night, I got sick. Feels like Step Throat is imminent.

My health insurance doesn't begin until January 19, 2007.

I started taking vinegar and somewhere that it will kill bacteria.

Any other suggestions? I have to work tomorrow.

Well let me see.... u can drink hot tea with honey, use cepacol lozenges, chloraseptic spray, to numb/pain relieve your aching throat. if theres a cough.. i recommend robitussin DM which contains a cough suppressant. take 250mg of vitamin c. once a day. maybe twice. find zinc capsules 220mg or less. daily. drink plenty of fluids. and stay away from the cold air. if possible. get well my friend. XOXOXO

Lots of orange juice and/or vitamin c supplements, also zinc, or echinacea - those help body fight infections.

As for the pain of the sore throat, gargle with salt water. About a tsp or half tsp of salt in a cup of warm water. Let it dissolve, then gargle it way back in your throat and spit it out.
That will help with the soreness.

As for work, if you are sick, especially if it is strep throat, you should call in if at all possible - strep is contagious.

Yeah Cepacol mouth wash gargle with it. Can get it at Walgreens and CVS drug stores.
SUCRETS throat lozenges, and
Cepacol throat lozenges for sore throats which you can also get at Walgreens, and CVS.
There is usually one of them open 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year including christmas in most medium to large cities.

I have heard that sucking activated charcoal in a tablet as if it a cough drop works. I know for a fact that charcoal sucks poison out of the body. From the stand point of a nurse (I am not a nurse but I work in a hospital) charcoal is for patients who are overdosed on drugs. From the stand point of a naturalist charcoal is a poison zapper from your body. I have a few friends who swear charcoal is good for everything. I would load up on orange and lemon juice if I were you. I would watch out for a fever. Get a cough drop with Benzocain in it, that is a numbing ingredient I would aim for one with 10% Benzocain in it. And yes, you need to go to a Walgreen's to find it. IF one is not in your area, then perhaps a local drugstore will be open today for Christmas in your area.

Boil lemons for 6 min to make a strong tea.
Pour into a cup.
Add 2 tablespoons of honey.
Add in a shoot of Jack Daniels
Go to bed. Works great for me.

Zinc lozenges - each lozenge containing about 23 mg. of zinc- can be taken every four hours. Do not use these lozenges for more than a week.

Gargle with a mixture of half water and half hydrogen peroxide to help fight infection. Do not swallow this mixture.

Gargle with crushed aspirin mixed with water to relieve pain.

Drink warm tea with honey. Use an herbal or decaffeinated tea. Alternatively, you can also sip warm water with honey and lemon.

If your room is very dry, use a humidifier.

If you suffer from recurrent sore throats, try changing your toothbrush frequently.

If you suffer from recurring sore throats, particularly ones associated with ear infections, investigate the possibility of a milk or other food allergy.

If you suffer from recurring sore throats that are worse in the morning but disappear as the day goes on, you could have some form of hay fever.

Strep throat is not easy to recognize. You might have a sudden fever of 102

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