What can i do to help raw milk not get taken away?!

Question: I heard the government is taking it away. If anything they need to take away the homogenized milk that's the more harmful kind at least the raw has good bacteria and probiotics.

Answers: I heard the government is taking it away. If anything they need to take away the homogenized milk that's the more harmful kind at least the raw has good bacteria and probiotics.

It is a state by state decision. I've never seen the feds involved, as best I can tell. In some states, raw milk is completely illegal with no work arounds. Many do ban its sale off the farm or directly through stores. In my state, it can't be sold inside city limits, but if outside city limits, the dairy can sell it. We have a great raw milk dairy near us that we use ALL the time!

Some states, you have to actually buy a "share" in a cow, then you can get your portion of milk from that cow - which is housed, fed and milked by a dairyman for you. See how it works? To find out actual details, you can go to http://www.realmilk.com/where.html They are working to make raw milk available to consumers in all 50 states.

I believe in CA they can actually sell raw milk in the stores. But, there are new rules coming out that have the raw milk industry worried. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-mi...

Go here to see what is happening in your state, and if there is some activism you can join: http://www.realmilk.com/happening.html

Get in touch with your local health food community and find out what the local laws are, keep abreast of any changes that are being proposed and then become a 21st century activist. You call, write and e-mail all the politicians and policy makers to let them know how you feel about the changes.

You are right about the need to stop homogenization. It kills the necessary bacterias to digest milk properly, thus causing some of the health problems that homogenized milk drinkers suffer.

damn they are??? that blows... maybe what you could do is just make sure that where you buy your milk they keep supplies and if you are still worried about it write to your state senate or call them...

just drink it.......lol

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