
Question: i am 14. I am a Christian, however the way of healing is just so interesting to me. I will not change my religion and am not idol oriented but I want to know how to heal even with being a Christian. By healing I do not mean hospital.

Answers: i am 14. I am a Christian, however the way of healing is just so interesting to me. I will not change my religion and am not idol oriented but I want to know how to heal even with being a Christian. By healing I do not mean hospital.

I am a Christian too and it doesn't have to be a choice. God intended us to have good health. Research stuff for yourself and God will give you discernment if the stuff is of him or something that goes against him. I have long lists of stuff. I could write my own book. Basically it boils down to eating God foods rather than man made or man altered. Herbs and supplements for various problems are of God too for the most part.
There are many good Christian alternative drs in my area.
If you have specific questions feel free to message/email me.


Whether you are Christian or not has nothing to do with the ability to "heal" the way you are describing.

That ability is within each person although some never know about it, others don't want to know, and others still, like you have the desire to know more.

Many people from different religions have this ability and most do not change their religion.

The healing you are interested in, is more in the realm of Psychic or Spiritual healing .

Not knowing if you are aware of any healing ability within you, makes this a little difficult to answer fully.

If you are able to, read books on "Psychic or Spiritual Healing, could could get these from your library - these could give you more ideas about what is possible.

Be aware though, that there are a lot of crackpots out there, who would love to take advantage of someone like you.

Because you are just 14, my advice would be to read as much as you can on the subject, don't rush it, let the knowledge slowly sink in, and let your head guide you.

What you are searching for can take a while to accomplish, so you do need patience.

You have a lifetime ahead of you , so for now, just read about the subject, and when you are ready for more, the tutors and information you need will appear.

Don't rush this -
you have an interest in knowing more, it will come,
you want to learn, if you have the ability, you will learn
you want to heal people - if it right for you to do so, you will.

You are still young, and have lots of time to make any life changing decisions, and if you become a "healer" in the sense you describe, your life WILL change.

Love and blessings to you.

WoW Would I like to talk to you! I am fascinated with healing too, and there is more to it than just eating right or going to the doctor. In order to be healthy, you need to be healthy in mind as well as body. Some people seem to have a gift to help others. The relationship of all of this fascinates me.

www.zerodisease.com is a very interesting concept. I have heard his lectures and seen some of his works. I have not paid for any of his seminars, but I think there is something to what he does.

There are other interesting things out there as well, but I think my favorite is the total approach. It takes exercise, good whole foods, quality sleep, and clean, balanced water and clean air to clean the filters of the body (lungs and skin). But it is equally important to have a healthy mind and spirit... and to have relationships.

There is more to health than just eating right.

Try doing some research into Reiki . This is an energy healing method which is really astounding.
You will NOT be able to really learn this from books or over the internet. You must go to classes during which your spirit is "attuned" to the healing energies.
Your religion has nothing to do with Reiki. It is an Oriental art, but it requires no religious change.
Some say that Reiki is what jesus used to heal the sick. It is also generally though that this is what Jesus was talking about when he said, "All That I have done, YOU shall do. And MORE than I have done , you CAN do!"

Do some research to find out if you think Reiki will be right for you. As a beginner , I suggest Usui Reiki which is the original form.

Good luck.

I would HIGHLY recommend Matrix Energetics. It is by far the most advanced healing technique. You may not believe me when I tell you that I will literally change the structure of the cells/molecules/atoms to instantly create a different out come, meaning it will heal broken bones in seconds, or instantly eliminate pain or disease. The devoloper of Matrix Energetics wrote a book explaining the quantum physics science behind it, so you will learn its not some crazy theory. In the book he also goes into great detail explaining how to perform these healing techniques.
Here is a link to buy his book and his web site where you read more and watch his videos performing matrix energetics.

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