Home Remedies for Sore Throat and Loss of Voice??!

Question: I have lost my voice, and my throat is really sore and raw, anything i eat gives me that spicy tingle in the back of my throat, i feel sick and am coughing (icky junk) but its not in my chest its definately nesting in my throat

Home remedies for this??

Answers: I have lost my voice, and my throat is really sore and raw, anything i eat gives me that spicy tingle in the back of my throat, i feel sick and am coughing (icky junk) but its not in my chest its definately nesting in my throat

Home remedies for this??

For sore throat - grapeFRUIT seed extract (GSE). 10 drops in 6 oz of water, gargle and swallow. It tastes pretty strong, so have some grapefruit juice, pineapple juice or other strong drink to chase it with.

Other helps:
Mullein tea - good for anything respiratory. Steep 5-8 minutes and drink hot (with honey). It is not a strongly flavored tea. Everyone here likes the taste very well.

Add HONEY to hot tea. Honey is great for illness. You can even take a teaspoon straight if you want. Best is local honey.

Other good teas - peppermint, lemon, ginger (though ginger is more notable for its digestive aid -stomach problems)

Garlic - garlic is great antibacterial and health promoter. We make it into a butter with 1 tbsp butter, 1 clove crushed garlic. Spread on bread and grill (don't toast, could ignite) or add it to our favorite pasta. You can also crush garlic into a bit of olive oil and toss with your favorite greens.

Apple cider vinegar. We take at the onset of any illness, and it usually gets no further. 1 tsp in a glass of apple juice is the most palatable method of taking it.

Add 500 mg of Vit C 2x daily - it is antiviral and will help

ELIMINATE all refined sugars as sugar is an immune suppressant and will make your body have to work harder to get well. We found that many illnesses are actually brought on by sugar overdose, especially flu or colds. Pay attention the week after Halloween and you will note this also. ;-)

Steam is good for congestion, to get it loosened up so it isn't causing the problem any more. I've even been known to go to an indoor swimming pool to loosen up bad blockage. Usually does the trick within 30 minutes.

Pineapple juice will soothe the sore throat, though it won't cure it. If nasal or sinus congestion, make yourself some saline nasal spray with 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp baking soda in 8 oz of warm water. Combine well and either use a dropper or sprayer to get into your nasal passages. My mom saved an old nasal spray bottle and refills it with this mixture.

For the voice, rest it and take care of the root cause.

Hope you are felling better soon.

If you can't find the GSE and Mullein at your local health food store, they sell them online at http://www.iherb.com (not affiliated, just where I get it - good prices, great service).

Drink lots of warm liquids -- not too hot, though. Gargle with salt water, mix up honey and lemon juice.

1) Voice rest.
2) Steam inhalation and you can add " vicks" vab o rub, just to give it a nice smell, Do it 2-3 times/ day for 10-15 min each time.
3) Most probably you need to have antibiotic, as Amoxil, or similar, because of the stuff you are coughing.

tea and honey, lots of warm fluids.i hope you feel better.

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