Natural remedies for sinus cold symptoms?!

Question: Does anyone know of natural cures, or aids for sinus congestion, and pressure? I feel miserable!

Answers: Does anyone know of natural cures, or aids for sinus congestion, and pressure? I feel miserable!

One day to new year and you feeling miserable? We cant have that.

therbal and natural remedies.
Below are a few to consider:

a) Ground Ivy: The leaves of this sinus infection herb can dry out the bronchi and sinuses when used in an infusion or tincture.

b) Goldenseal: The root of the goldenseal plant is a powerful astringent and coolant, which comes in a powder capsule form. Take one or two 200 mg capsules or create a tincture, where 1 ml is taken for three times per day.

c) Bayberry: Bayberry bark is known to stimulate the circulatory system and also possesses warming properties that helps with nasal discharge, pain, and sinus tenderness. The powder can be used as snuff, or used to create a tincture. Add 5ml of tincture to 20ml of emulsifying ointment to make a substance that can be used for sinus massage.

d) Long Pepper: It is the fruit of this herb that is useful in treating sinus headaches and infection brought on by allergies. You may use the fruit to create a milk infusion or choose the capsule form (1-2 200mg powder capsule per dose).

e) Colloidal Silver: Sinus infections respond to this safe and non-toxic approach that has been known to treat more than 500 illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

f) Apple Cider Vinegar: An apple cider vinegar sinus infection treatment can be used to thin out mucous. You should add the vinegar to large glasses of water and drink throughout the day.

g) Oregano: The wild oil of oregano can be used as an effective sinus infection treatment that possesses powerful anti-bacterial properties. The capsule form is considered best when taking two every 3-4 hours

h) Do saltwater nasal irrigation to clear nasal passages. Hot foot baths and alternating hot and cold compresses over the sinuses help symptoms. If you smoke, seek help to stop. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and excessively cold or dry air.

i) To improve breathing and fight infections, inhale steamed vapors of the essential oils of camphor, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, pine, or tea tree.

j) Useful herbs for sinusitis include Echinacea, elder flowers, eyebright, goldenrod, goldenseal, stinging nettle, wild indigo, and yarrow.

a neti pot

I use oregano, they have it in the form of oil or capsules, but if u don't have that, use the spice and treat it like a tea. Oregano has 3 ingredients that will kill bacteria on contact.

go to colloidal This is what I use along with Olbas natural inhaler and her warming baths. Colloidal silver is all natural, no drugs,no adverse rxns.
Rest, drink 3 qts natural spring water to replace fluid loss from drippy nose.This will loosen catarrh, clear out mucous,
I swear by Olbas of Switzerland, both as a bath and as an inhaler. Traditional medicinal tea with natural ephedrine will help
Stay warm, sweat baths with eucalyptus oil in bath but over all the silver is the best all around germ fighter in disabling viruses etc.

Symfree tea works for me

Almost all natural remedy's work-especially teas with hi anti-oxidant's. The most important step however is getting clean air into your passage way's either with steam or by blood anti oxidational (slower). Check your air quality-and if it's low then youll have to change air quality-so that the root cause of sinus congestion is eliminated first, and then the many cure's to fight the bacteria's.. If you live in apolluted environment sinus health suffer's. Desert air might cure your malady


Steam inhalation with 3 drops of eucalyptus oil in the morning & night or as & when required.

I regularly suffer from sinusitis and have found 'Blackmores' Echinacea ACE + ZINC tablets to be of great help.

*Hope you get well soon......

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