Can I use plain baking soda or mixed with salt everyday as a toothpaste to avoid poisons in regular toothpaste!

Question: Regular toothpaste has fluoride and sodium laurel sulfate in it and I'd rather avoid these toxins.

50 reasons to avoid fluoride--->

So, will baking soda used everyday cause any damage to my teeth like wear away the enamel. Please post a link so I can double check if you can.


Answers: Regular toothpaste has fluoride and sodium laurel sulfate in it and I'd rather avoid these toxins.

50 reasons to avoid fluoride--->

So, will baking soda used everyday cause any damage to my teeth like wear away the enamel. Please post a link so I can double check if you can.


Apparently many Dentists believe that many toothpastes serve only to add flavor and taste to the otherwise boring task of tooth cleaning. I wholeheartedly agree with them!! This was borne out by studies of over 50 different brands of toothpaste, none of which proved more effective at preventing dental caries than proper flossing and brushing with plain water - and, although several flouride - containing toothpastes have acceptance as cavity fighters, Parade Magazine (February 7th, 1988) reported that no toothpaste or gel yet had the American Dental Association seal for plaque removal. I know, that's nearly 20 years ago, but seriously, with all the marketing hype and b.s. over all that is cosmetic and beautifull these days i can honestly say that i haven't had a cavity in nearly 3 years and haven't use toothpaste for the same period (i ditched the toothpaste soon after i read this article) ........... not just a coincidence i don't reckon!! Many toothpastes are also flavored with some variety or another of sugar - unbelievable but true, which is precisely what we are trying to get rid of!!

The FDA has actually found most ingredients in commercial mouthwashes useless ...... many unsafe !!

Baking soda is a brilliant remedy for removing plaque and stains from your teeth ..... it will also kill germs and prevent plaque formation.

Equal amounts of baking soda and sea salt will up the abrasion factor and more than likely taste better.

Good upon you girlfriend for thinking for yourself ...... i've long been against toothpaste, fluoride and the like ....... ... :0)


how about useing toms of maine tooth paste? google their website

Well you can use baking soda if you can find some way to put it in a gel. anyways you don't have to worry about poisons they are so minute you don't have to worry about dying or getting sick also try not to swallow even if you have a "safe" toothpaste. And anyways Flouride is used as a whitener and protector anyways regular tap water has some flouride in it. And flouride is super-reactive with acids and other things so it will not cause a problem.

Ask a dentist, if you can find one at a cafe. Doubt he/she could charge you then.

Don't forget to floss.

Just stay away from foods that get caught in the teeth. Like spinach. Sticky foods.

Buy a sonicare toothbrush! Thats really supposed to clean up them teeth. I tried it, and my dentist saw a huge improvement in the plaque reduction.

Use baking soda mixed with peroxide (small amount of peroxide). Do not swallow the mix!

ooh good....
go to to see a list of all the tonxins in every personal care product, they also give you toothpaste brands with the least amount.

Can't really disagree with you. Everything you said there is true. Fluoride is about theworst thing you can put on your teeth and should be avoided.
However, there's one thing I think I should add.

When I talked with a more open minded dentists about this problem, he said that he advises making a toothpaste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixed together, rather than use a normal one. Peroxide is really good for killing bacteria and pathogens in your mouth, but there are certain things it misses which baking soda gets.
I tried his mix and used it with a lot of sucess.
When I'm more lazy I just gargle hydrogen peroxide by itself.
So, I'd advise working hydrogen peroxide into your regimen. Otherwise though, A+!

AT some health food stores they now have "natural" tooth paste that does not have these things in it
it is all natural
if you prefer you can use baking soda
some say that over time it can ware down your teeth.
I checked my herb book
and it recommends to drink green tea
it does have caffeine in it but at lower levels than the black
it also contains tannins, essential oils, poly phenols, vitamins, minerals and trace elements such as fluoride.
green tea has many health benefits
it does strengthen teeth but it is a natural fluoride and not the chemical kind.
my homoeopathic doc recommends me to drink it she says that this type of fluoride is good for you

Baking soda will irritate & cause burning gums

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