What are the best natural supplements for adult ADD?!

Question: I'm a 21 year old with ADD, I was diagnosed in the fourth grade. I haven't been taking any drugs for about two years now, but since I started college I was thinking about taking something to help me concentrate. I'd prefer natural supplements, as I do not have health insurance at the moment, and when I was taking prescription meds I hated them (Name an ADD medicine, I've probably been on it). I've heard something about Sam-E, I think it was called, but I don't know much about it. Any advice would be great, thanks!

Answers: I'm a 21 year old with ADD, I was diagnosed in the fourth grade. I haven't been taking any drugs for about two years now, but since I started college I was thinking about taking something to help me concentrate. I'd prefer natural supplements, as I do not have health insurance at the moment, and when I was taking prescription meds I hated them (Name an ADD medicine, I've probably been on it). I've heard something about Sam-E, I think it was called, but I don't know much about it. Any advice would be great, thanks!

Beware when trying Serotonin inhibitors. Sam-e and St. Johns Wort tend to be more beneficial for depression so they increase the activity of your receptors instead of stabilizing them. So you could put yourself on edge. Which will cause a bigger problem in concentration. L-Theanine is a relaxant that is said to make strives in ADD. You could find it at your local Vitamin store.

Diet in adults is a big factor. Adult ADD tends to lead to a bigger craving for carbohydrates. Cutting down on Carbohydrates, sugars, dairy and saturated fats will help you to regulate your focus. Also DHA, Magnesium and Amino Acids will help with brain function to maintain concentration. It sound's like a lot of work. Unfortunately there is no cure all for it, just a remedy to suppress symptoms. Simply following all these steps will make enough difference that you will notice a difference and your peers will too.

I have ADD as well and I have found some great assistance in nutrition for it! See my post from another similar question on ADD/ADHD:

"If you truly want help with ADD (my daughter has it and so do I) I can give you advice as to what we do?

1) Improve rest/relaxation - this will adjust the brain's "speed" naturally (we both get between 8 to 10 hours sleep every night)
2) Increase exercise - this will give some of the energy a place to go (I have even lost a good deal of weight as well)
3) Improve diet - lower sugars and processed foods unnatural ingredients, stop your environment from making it worse (does not get rid of it)
4) Take a Glyconutrient supplement, and a phtyo-based micronutrient (plant based multivitamin), an endocrine support supplement (Phyto-sterols), and an anti-oxidant (plant derived as well with an ORAC score of over 10,000). Once we took all four of these in very high quantities we both noticed a significant improvement in focus..."

Hope this helps!

My hubby was diagnosed with ADD a few weeks ago. Doc said to take Omega suppliments everyday. (Fish oil).

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