How can i make my eyesight improve naturally?!

Question: besides eating carrots...

Answers: besides eating carrots...

You cannot actually improve your eyesight. All you can do is to slow down further deterioration.

Foods that are good for eye health are carrots, corn, bilberries and blueberries.

Carrots, bilberries and blueberries will actually improve your night vision but only temporarily so to get the maximum benefits you have to eat them every day.

squint a lot

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... I was going to say carrots.

eating carrots is a myth. It doesn't really work. If you believe it does then you believe your eye sight will improve naturally. LOL LOL LOL

organic glasses

I have bad eyesight...and i just have to deal with it i wear glasses sometimes like for watching telly and for work. If you don't like the idea of glasses try contacts ??

my mom told me to look at green stuff, for example, fresh grass, etc...she told me that it relaxes the eye or something like that.

You can play certain games and do some exercises to train them. I think there is a video game for the DS that does this, you can use magic eye puzzles and probably search the internet for other suggestions.

They have eye exercises--focus on close and far objects--like the top of a tree. We can blame poor eyesight for looking at computers too long. Eating better helps--take supplements.

i dont know i think once they go slightly bad they wont have much chance. though they might slightly improve. try reading but by holding the book almost at arms length which will make your eyes adjust to the far away writing. just keep trying to focus on things far away . your eyesight might improve a little over a period of time

there are these glassess with small wholes in them

Make sure you have a clear field of view, other than that you have what was given to you at birth.

There's a small exercise for your eye sight to improve naturally. Take your index finger, bring it very close to your nose and see it. Your eyes will be strained at first. Then slowly move the finger away from your nose, keeping your eye on the finger. Then again bring your finger near the nose slowly and again take it away. You should keep doing this watching your finger and not moving your eye from the finger. Do this exercise for like 5-10 mins, two times everyday and you'll see the improvement in your sight,

Try Ocular Nutrition by Hiheath - not sure if that is spelled right...

what my doctor told me to do is to get a pencil and look at it closely at move it away from your nose and bring it back slowly. Do this everyday and it will increase your eyesight naturally. oh yeah and some frutis and vegetables can also help your eyesight.

don;t know but wish there was something my eyesight is -6.5

There is an all natural solution on the market. It's called OCUVITE. You could also try a product called Vision Formula, available at any CVS drug store. Both are loaded with vitamins and minerals to help your eyes.

Carrots won't work. Ocuvite vitamins slow the progression of vision loss due to Age Related Macular Degeneration but do not reverse existing damage and have no effect on the need for glasses.

There are no foods, exercises or supplements that will reverse the need for glasses.

I'v heard vitamin A improves eyesight and you can find it in carrots.

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