Can anyone tell me from personal experience what the best way to stop smoking is?!

Question: Gum, patches...cold turkey?

Answers: Gum, patches...cold turkey?

I smoked from the time I was 15 until I was 48. I was up to 3 pkg of 25 per day. I had a hard time to breath and had a really bad smokers cough. I decided to become something better. A non smoker. I quit cold turkey. It was very very hard. I was working at the time in a public place where everyone smoked. The air was blue. That made it harder. I looked at the people smoking I mean really looked at them. It was disgusting. I no longer wanted to be like them. I did drink very very cold water and sometimes I chewed a cooling flavored gum. It was very very difficult. But I did it and you can to. Try hard and do like I did put your face in the pillow and scream. Cry if you need to.The cravings only last a few minutes at a time. Put in your head you want to be a non smoker. Say over and over I am a non smoker. I sure hope this helps.

cold turkey worked for me 1 and a half years ago good luck =)

cold turkey, just don't light up.

Break your fingers.

i duno coz i love ma sweet sweet nicotine

They actually say that drinking coffe can stop the smoking the bad part about it is that you'll get addicted to the coffee. Which that could be a good and bad

Chantix worked miracles for me!

step # 1..... DECIDE to stop smoking

step # 2.... STOP smoking

patches gum etc simply prolong the situation....
but it can be difficult for some people....

good luck!

gum gum and more gum. Not niccorette or any of that expensive stuff. Just good mint gum. Whenever you need a *** just shove some of that in your mouth. good luck.

Cold turkey is how I did it. You have to want to quit bad. I tell myself no matter what, I will not smoke. It has been three years.

My mum had smoked since she was 11 and now shes 46. She gave up smoking 2 1/2 years ago and a stuck to it. She got a hyptotising cd and it seemed to do the trick. But, it might have also been to do with the fact she was in hostipal just before and then wanted to become healthy afterwards.

I wouldn't suggest gum because it makes you feel hungary all the time.

get a glass cigarett or wear boxing gloves so you cant pick one up or light it

good luck

I wanted to use patches...unfortunately I am allergic to them.
I do still think they are the best aid though.

If I am honest...the biggest thing for me was not wanting to be one of those outcasts who have to stand outside places and pretend they are normal.

I am ashamed to admit it...but the biggest drive for me was to conform and not be one of the saddo's.

It was easier for me to just make up my mind not to buy any more cigarettes. I smoked my last pack and just quit. I guess you would call it "cold turkey" but it wasn't very hard.

When I felt like smoking, I just did something else like get a drink of water and the "want" would pass in a few minutes. The hardest thing about it was actually the timing rather than the lack of nicotine - the habit part like "answer the phone - light a cigarette", "have coffee - light a cigarette". When I figured that out, it was a snap.

Patch... coz no withdrawn

I simply gave up when I was age 24 had smoked since I was age19 rather than waiting until tomorrow to do it, I did it that very day I said I was giving up.

Hypnotherapy, worked like a charm. No cravings (except when I drink too much) and you don't even think about it. It's all about breaking the habits i.e. one after lunch, one at 11 am etc... Go for the brain reprogramming option, you won't regret it.

I tried to smoked the whole pack as fast as i could but I
only made it though a little less then half before a got sick
it's now been 13 years and just the smell of cigarettes
make me sick

Every body has their own particular way of beating this awful habit.

Mine was to WANT to stop smoking BADLY enough to overcome the so called pleasure of smoking.

Finally I went cold turkey after being out of breath just walking upstairs to the bathroom!!!

What I tried unsuccessfully was hypnotherapy, quit programmes, patches, gum, spray, Zyoban.

Then in March 2006 I had 3 sessions of acupuncture and voila, so far so good!

Good luck ... it takes perseverance and good old determination. And just remember that with each day free of nicotine, it gets easier.

For me it was patches...I found it really easy with them although I had had numerous failed attempts before then. It's been 15+ years since I've touched a cigarette and I have never missed them.
Good Luck

cold turkey worked for me, just drop big deal..

if you sit around doing nothing you'll be more tempted to go back to the "habit" do sth like cycling, exercise, squash or anything to get occupied
I have noticed sth also, whenever I am in surroundings where thre's no stress I didn;t feel like smoking, for example I went on holiday & just didn't want to smoke & also when I'm out shopping or enjoying myself the same if there's anyway you can reduce stress in your life co so, such as cutting out some stressfuk people from your life, changing a stressful job etc...if poeple are around you are stressful, then talk with them & sort things out .
hope it works for you,
happy new year!

ps. there's always cutting down (to say 2-3 a day) if it's too difficult to quit, it's a compromise & although not a good idea if you're really keen to change this habit, it's an option.

there is a med. that insurance will not pay for but it is called chantix. and it is very good except the side effects but they are not all that bad.

but if you are really wanting to stop smoking go to your doctor and ask them about chantix.
the cost will start out at $120.00

i gave up one and a half years ago. to be brutally honest, the best and only way is to throw your ciggs away and bloody suffer the works. after the craving starts to be handlable there is no way you'll want to suffer that again, so your less likely to start again. be brave my friend......and know!! that none of us envy your position. but the reward for our suffering is. we know you envy ours. be strong and join the club. if you want some support. or need to yell abuse at some one to get you through, your more than welcome to email me.

Herbal Cigs, they have no nicotine or tobacco so you you give up the bad stuff while breaking the habit of puffing, I this worked for me Dec 1999, still a non- smoker. Good Luck

I have never smoked but have observed one interesting thing watching numerous people attempt it.

They go great for a period of time then have ONE smoke and say "oh well, I failed so much for that" and go back to smoking like a chimney.

... I say how about looking at it like this. Wow I've had one smoke in 5 days that's really good, so what if you had one, or 2 or even a whole pack that's still way less than usual... don't stop the attempt here just because you had a few!

I quit three years ago, i was up to 2 packs a day (25/pack) then one day i was coughing so hard i couldnt breathe and passed out. Threw away my smokes, and have been feeling just great since then, MY decision to be healthier and be smoke free was probably an aid in no cravings, i honestly did not have any cravings to smoke. I am not suggesting you cough till you pass out, lol, i am suggesting you make a decision, and stick to it. Tell your self, when you light up, say, What am i doing, i dont even smoke, and you will convince yourself. Also I heard of some people using Allan Carrs method too and succeeded in quitting.

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