Is there any herbs vitamins or medicines that can help dissolve "floaters" in your eyes....?!

Question: or is there nothing short of surgery or laser treatment that will get rid of them?

Answers: or is there nothing short of surgery or laser treatment that will get rid of them?

An excellent cell repair supplement that is full of "phytochemicals" which are the flash freeze dried pigments of plant foods that reverse aging and macular degenaration of eyes as well.

They are found in marine phytoplankton and specific land plants that the cancer institute launched a multi million dollar study to understand why they snuff out cancer before it begins.

See google video on regulation in antioxidants so that you don't waist your money on products that don't work and if you want to know where to get them, you can message me as you won't find it in regular stores. Its too good to be sold that way, as most over the counter supplements tested do not work.

One product you might want to look into is called "eyebright." You can find this product at There are many other products at this web site that I use that are excellent. I've never used the eyebright but hear that it's very good.

try a good liver detox (make sure of precautions)
avoid sugar. Use celtic salt.
Try enzymes, antioxidents such as beta carotene and ginkgo.
Bilberry and n-Acetyl- Cysteine, should also be helpful.

some other things good for the eyes are lutein, lycopene and eyebright.

I read some where that someone taking capsules of Marine Phyto Plankton for three to four months did the trick for it. I am a big fan of the Marine Phyto Plankton myself and using it for the past 30 days and planing to continue. Let me copy and paste the testamonial of that person's entire testment - Floaters is mentioned on pragraph 8:

I started taking Marine Phytoplankton when it first became available. What it did for me immediately is nothing short of a miracle. I am 58 years old and have had health problems for a great deal of my life. I started with one ounce of Marine Phytoplankton every morning on an empty stomach. Within the first week my Chron's disease, which was active for the last thirty years, is finally in remission. The only thing before Marine Phytoplankton to have that effect on my Chron's was Prednisone, and the side effects of that was possible bone marrow cancer.

My almost hourly "hot flashes" are gone. I used to sleep on top of the blankets during the winter with very little heat on and I was just right.

The pain from my Fibromyalgea and Arthritis has disappeared. My right shoulder was so bad that it would snap whenever I lifted it above shoulder level or moved it back and forth. My doctor told me that I had bone rubbing on bone. Since the first seven days on Marine Phytoplankton I can swing my arm in any direction I want without pain and snapping.

I had Psoriasis on both my elbows and that disappeared in my first week on the product.

I lost 3" off my hips, 3" off my waist and 14 lbs. in two weeks.

I have gone off Zoloft since day one of taking Marine Phytoplankton with no side effects. I was taking the antidepressants because of all these health issues and now I feel so great that I have no need for them.

My energy is through the roof; I am like a live wire.

I had floaters in both eyes and after months on Marine Phytoplankton they are gone, and my doctor told me that they couldn't go away, only get worse - boy was he wrong.

All my life I had a sinus infection, I was constantly on antibiotics and Sinutab. I remember my three small daughters asking me if I remembered to take my Sinutab, because if I didn't I would be cranky from the sinus pain. Since the first week on Marine Phytoplankton my sinus infections are history.

I had hereditary fatty tumors on my stomach area and just recently they disappeared.

I tell every one I come across please give Marine Phytoplankton a chance to do its job. You can't take it for a month and then quit; you are not giving it a fair chance. You did not develop your illnesses overnight, so why would you think that a month or so on Marine Phytoplankton would do the trick?
I. S.

Good luck and let me know if it works for you.

I have used Indian melon seed as part of my diet, only I have found in-order to get maximum benefit it will be necessary to grind into a paste as we humans can not digest seeds well enough to achieve full value. Look it up on the web to endorse my suggestion.

Good luck I do hope it works as well for you as it did for me.

There is nothing that will dissolve floaters. If they are very numerous or increase suddenly, it indicates a serious condition and requires medical attention.

I am afraid there are no medical treatments, herbal or otherwise that can help floaters. They are to some extent a normal part of the ageing process. Most ophthalmologists recommend leaving them alone all together.

The good news is that floaters are considered completely benign. Most will eventually disappear and so there is nothing to worry about. But if you suddenly start seeing large numbers of them, go and see your eye specialist since this can a sign of developing retinal detachment.

To maintain and promote good eyesight, you need a diet that is rich in the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E; the B vitamins and the minerals selenium and zinc. The best sources are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the richly-coloured varieties. or a good multi-vitamin

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