Whats the best way to quit smoking?!

Question: I believe the best way to quit smoking is to slowly cut down to 0 cigarettes a day. But I think this is different for everyone. I heard that there is a new drug called Chantix that might help but I think it is expensive and don't know if all insurances will cover it anyway.

Answers: I believe the best way to quit smoking is to slowly cut down to 0 cigarettes a day. But I think this is different for everyone. I heard that there is a new drug called Chantix that might help but I think it is expensive and don't know if all insurances will cover it anyway.

Try and move the additction to water, everytime you want a ciggerette, have a glass of water.

Good luck!

go cold turkey. the only way to quit any habit forming drug.


Set date and stick to it, get ready, remove everything to do with smoking and dont allow it in your space, best of luck.

PS: If its a stupid new year res idea, forget it, you only stop when you REALLY want to!

dude try ignoring it for example try eating gum when its time for you to smoke or go tho google images and type in lungs after smoking hoped i helped

Don't focus on what you don't have. Remember, you are doing something healthy for your life. You can do this!! Just go cold turkey and get rid of all of them. Stay away from places where it's tempting to bum one from a friend. Be strong!!

Good luck!!!

Nicocure Stop Smoking Patch Works. Our all natural nicotine patch will help you quit smoking in 15 days or less! http://pharmacy-online.tk

Try a homeopathic remedy. Wisdom of the ages makes one called Wise Choice. It really helps.

everyone's different but I suggest having people who will support you and back you up
Also, you need to really want to quit>>>>>>>>>>>>>I did Nicorrette gum and also did the patches but finally weaned away from them Now I don't smoke for some 15 years

When I quit smoking I decided that on my way to work that was my last smoke. From that point until about 3 weeks later I used commit. Then I felt I did not need that any more and then I used cinnimnon hard candy, those got old and I switched to mints. I have kinda stuck with the mint flavor. I dont use much candy any more and it has been a year and I still do not smoke.
I hope that helped you

I quit by buying an unopened pack of cigarettes and keeping them in the frig. Every time I wanted a cigarette, I would tell myself in a few minutes I would have one. That worked for 14 years so far.

I have someone i know that took Chantex that is out on the market and said it really worked well for him.

I have the perfect thing for you.
sign up with them. It is the best reference I have ever seen.
don't waste your time or money with patches and gum. Let these people help you it is a completely free service and they really care. If that doesn't work and you have the money for it my dad swears by hypnotism. Good Luck and Happy New Year!

Smoke Star

omeopathic Remedies to Help Quit Smoking :-

To reduce the craving; while discontinuing its use Tabacum 30, 4 hourly

Though addicted to tobacco; but cannot bear the odour of it Lobelia In Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops

Great desire to smoke; tobacco heart; oppression of breathing as in asthma Caladium S 30, 4 hourly

To produce disgust for tobacco for habitual tobacco chewers Plantago Major 30, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless You !

Dr Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. I read it, it made me really angry and then I quit, cold turkey, and it really was easy!

Just do it. It may be a good idea if you know other smokers to stay away from those junkies. They are only a bad influence. Also smoking is only going to give you dog breath.LoL

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