Have you made any friends on Yahoo Answers?!

Question: Have you made any friends on Yahoo Answers? I don't really feel I have. Which is a shame because there is so much oppurtunity to meet people with similar interests. People seem really closed up here. It kinda makes it hard to make friends!!

Answers: Have you made any friends on Yahoo Answers? I don't really feel I have. Which is a shame because there is so much oppurtunity to meet people with similar interests. People seem really closed up here. It kinda makes it hard to make friends!!

I haven't yet, but I also haven't been on here very long. I have tried to e-mail a couple of people and gotten a couple of responses. I have though noticed a lot of people who make it so you can't contact them at all. I think they aren't any fun!

Nope but One of my best friends is on yahoo answers, it is weird to say your friends with someone online because you dont know anything about them personally, they could be some creep, you just got talk to friends you already have and tell to add you as a friend or wahtever then you caht or wahtever it is safer.

I have some really great friends that I met on this site. Last year, I even flew to Northern Ireland to stay at a friends house for nine days. She is a wonderful person, and has a great family. I also met a nice girl from Georgia, and one from Illinois. I dont know them as well, but they are fun to talk to on line, and are good friends. Friends come into your life when you least expect it. When you are blessed with such great friendships, you are very lucky!

I've made loads of great friends on here.
I know they are only cyber friends but, it's a nice escape from the real world now and again.
I'm sure you will in time. There are some great characters on here :0)

Yes I have loads of them, met them here on Yahoo and now they are good friends.

Take Care and God Bless !

Yes, I have. Of course, they are not the kind of friends I have in person, but they would be if I could meet them for tea at Panera Bread! We'd have a great visit. I found that making friends here is much like making friends anywhere: you see you are interested in the same things, say something someone likes or hear something you like, you e-mail (if enabled), etc. Or, in the case of some of my new friends, they come to your aid when you are being personally attacked by a troll. Thanks guys!!!! Just e-mail a friend or add them to your contacts. Enjoy.

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